Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
8 0606/e G62.2 6.1 description I-V(ZN)HH Duplex Duplex cable 4.5/125 OM1 U-159 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Copper unscreened Copper screened Communication technology .8mm, LSOH semi tight buffer design, flame retardant according IEC 60332.0mm 2.optofil®-Indoor cable I-V(ZN)HH Duplex 2.8) fibre number Article No. G50/125 OM3 Article No.8 3.652.0/2. Cables GF-2307 Duplex2. E97125 G. G50/125 OM2 Article No.D sheath colour yellow 191 327 request 191 328 request 191 329 request 191 330 request Article No. E97125 G.0 weight kg/km 25 bending radius 50 tensile load 200 200 crush resistance short term N/cm 300 300 Fire load kWh/km 100 120 MJ/km 360 432 Versions I-V(ZN)HH description Duplex I-V(ZN)HH Duplex I-V(ZN)HH 2x1(2.652.D sheath colour green 191 326 request Article No.0) 2x1(2.6 4