Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
Multimode fibre (MMF) G50/125/250 10GbE OM3+ ITU-T Rec.015 +/- 2. Coating concentricity error Coating Proof test [µm] [%] [µm] [%] [µm] [µm] [µm] [kpsi] 0.5 245 +/- 100 Systems Application Gigabit Ethernet Accessories IEEE 802. The mEMBc DMD based method characterise laser-bandwidth over the range standard compliant high performance 850 VCSEL lasers.5 2. Reccommended for new builds.7 1500 4700 1300 0. Informations U-154 MMF, OM3+ 1108/e Technical changes reserved.3z 10GBase-SR/SW IEEE 802.2 /ISO/IEC 11801:2002 OM3/ 50173:2002 OM3 TIA/EIA 492AAAC-A Communication technology Coating Cladding Core Product information Copper screened Main areas application Applications for Datacentre-, Storage- and LAN- Backbone for High Data rates GbE 850 nm. . Cladding/Core concentricity error max. Copper unscreened Transmission characteristics Fibre optic Fibre Wavelength [nm] Attenuation typ. (cabled) [dB/km] OFL Bandbreite per TIA/EIA 455-204 and IEC 60793-1-41 [MHz km] High Performance EMB, minEMBc, [MHz km] per TIA/EIA 455-220A and IEC 60793-1-49 Refractive index (*higher EMB such OM3+ with 4700 Mhz. (cabled) [dB/km] Attenuation max.200 +/- 0. Cladding non-circularity max.5 125 +/- 1.km available upon request) 850 2.477 Geometry and mechanical characteristics Numerical aperture Core max.3ae 850 550 Wavelength 850 Link length [m] 1100 Description Laser-bandwidth mEMBc (min.7 500 1.5 0. Core non-circularity Cladding max.0 1. Geometrical and mechanical performance corresponds the relevant international standards.482 1. 651/ IEC 60793-2-10 Typ A1a. Full compatibility with the broad range laser-based and legacy protocols and applications. calculated Effective Modal Bandwidth) measurement used characterise high performance laser-based systems (up GbE) 850 nm.3 Series 1000 Base-SX IEEE 802