Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Usually all cables are shorted the same length with enough reserve the farthermost connecting point.daetwyler-cables. Please choose corresponding the modules the compliant type patch panel.com U-108 Informations Technical changes reserved. acceptable lengths are little bit shorter! Choose the number needed single cables bundle out our supply list. ✓ ✓ In which kind shall installed the trunks inside the rack the pach panels? sidewards from right? sidewards from left? from behind centrical? or? or? ✓ Please choose the qualified data cable typ! Flex cables are extremely flexible with lower packing density but with higher attenuation, means the max. Depending the kind fixing the trunk inside the rack, the single cables can shorted different lengths.. Please budget ahead enough time for the pre termination the factory! Accessories ✓ How long shall the Cu-Trunk? Where you want install them? top above the racks below false floor? Please note and consider the diameter and the tolerated bending radius the Trunk´s! Please note the weight! You need consulting service? Problem please call us! We‘ happy help you You will find the Dätwyler-Cables phone numbers the last catalog page. . For cable management suitable trunk deposition-panels are available combination with cable-management panel (Deposition Panel 19“/1HE behind Management Panel) Fibre optic Systems ✓ ✓ Please choose the wanted connecting modules plugs compliant with your planned application! For Class D? ✓ ✓ On request customer specified imprint labelling the trunks possible.Copper-Trunks factory terminated copper data cables Copper screened Connecting Communication technology Project planning for Copper-Trunk ✓ Copper unscreened For which application the Cu-Trunk needed today future? 10Gbase-T (500 MHz) 1Gbase-T (100 MHz) …. For actual informations please see inside our Homepage: www