Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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measurement report (colour printing) (Cable batch no.Measurement cable RJ45 Cat. U-105 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Copper screened Connecting Communication technology .6/EA 500 MHz screened, set with pcs with series number for documentation Product information RJ45 Measurement cable Cat.1:2008 (Channel class for 10GBase-T) 50173:2007 Article No. 1411 063 Description Measurement cable RJ45 2,00m ORH gr/gr PU Set Technical changes reserved. (for identification and traceability the cable) incl. the test report) (Report for each measurement cable with parameter: NEXT, Insertion loss, RL) Side and with laminated label ISO/IEC 11801:2002 Amd.00m date (week/year) batch no. Copper unscreened Messkabel 0808/e Packing: Cable sheath: Bend limiting boot: Serial number imprint: Identification: Applicable standards in resealable plastic bag orange, halogen free moulded, grey, length: 2. case using fieldtester with dual measurement also Permanent-Link measurements could done.6/EA screened (set with pieces) with series number for documentation Application For Channel-Link approval measurements for the cabling classes und EA