Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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185 700 1414 227 Zubehör/Beschreibung unilan® RJ45-Module 1/8 Cat. 185 694 Description Faceplate, for Modules MS/MU 1/8 (without modules) Artikelnr.6 unshielded Copper screened Connecting Colour (similar) RAL 9016 Colour (similar) metallic metallic MS Anschlussdose CHS 0808/e Dimensions WxHxD 85 40mm Article No. Delivered unloaded. U-93 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Copper unscreened Communication technology .Swiss standard Faceplate 2x for installation wall for RJ45 Module 1/8 unilan® Faceplate for Modules 1/8 with surface mount box 80x80x40 mm Product information unilan® faceplate for RJ45 Modules Description Data faceplate with modular design for surface installation for the integration 1/8 Cat modules. Suitable for the following unilan Modules: RJ45 Module 1/8 Cat.6/EA shielded T568-B Technical changes reserved.6/EA shielded RJ45 Module 1/8 Cat. Equipped with dust protection covers, which also serve covers for unused ports.6/EA shielded T568-A unilan® RJ45-Module 1/8 Cat. 1/8 modules can snapped with ease