CHAUVIN ARNOUX - Měřicí přístroje

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Kompletní katalog produktů firmy Chauvin Arnoux - Zkoušečky napětí, multimetry, klešťové multimetry, revizní přístroje, měřiče izolace, měřiče uzemnění, analyzátory kvality el. energie, infrakamery.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
A 6503 IMEG 1000N Resistance Continuity Voltage Display Dimensions weight Power supply Protection Electrical safety 500 250 500 1,000 0.A 861 thermometer thermocouple 0.5 long (black/red), crocodile clips (black/red), 1 black test probe 6503 delivered carrying bag with 1 operating manual, 3 elbowed/straight PVC leads 1.A 6503 > P01132501A > P01132502A > P01132503 > P01132504 Accessories / Replacement parts C.A 6501 IMEG 500N Specifications Insulation (calibre MΩ) Test voltage (DC) Range Accuracy Range Accuracy Range Accuracy Range Frequency Accuracy ]] C.A 6501 & C.A 6503: on-site version Rugged plastic casing suitable for use all conditions >>IMEG 500N IMEG 1000N: reinforced version echanically-reinforced metal casing specially designed for difficult environments Delivered site-proof case ]] C.5 long (black/red/blue), 3 crocodile clips (black/red/blue), 1 black test probe References order > IMEG 500N IMEG 100N C.5 long (black/red), crocodile clips (black/red), 1 black test probe MEG 1000N delivered site-proof casing with 1 operating manual, elbowed/straight PVC leads 1.5 long (black/red/blue), 3 crocodile clips (black/red/blue), 1 black test probe 6501 delivered carrying bag with 1 operating manual, 2 elbowed/straight PVC leads 1.A 846 thermo-hygrometer C.5 % end-of-scale 45 to 500 2.5 % end-of-scale 100 2 % end-of-scale 600 Vac 45 to 450 3 % end-of-scale Analogue 120 120 130 mm 1.A 6501 C.A 6503 >>C.2 fuse for IMEG 500N 10) 0.A 6501 crocodile clips (red/black) CAT 300 moulded test probe 2) PVC leads (red/black) 5 crocodile clips (red, black, blue, yellow, green/yellow) safety leads 1.A 6501 & C.06 Magneto allowing stable test voltage 54 with cover without cover IEC 61010 600 CAT 300 CAT III State delivery > MEG 500N delivered site-proof casing with 1 operating manual, elbowed/straight PVC leads 1.5 m long (red, blue, black) P01156301Z P01650101Z P02297302 P01297095 P01102052Z P01295458Z P01295289Z P01101849 P01295171 Page 46 .2 fuse HPC for C.5 to 200 1 to 5,000 2.5 % end-of-scale 2.ELECTRICAL TESTING AND SAFETY Magneto analogue insulation testers C