CHAUVIN ARNOUX - Měřicí přístroje

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Kompletní katalog produktů firmy Chauvin Arnoux - Zkoušečky napětí, multimetry, klešťové multimetry, revizní přístroje, měřiče izolace, měřiče uzemnění, analyzátory kvality el. energie, infrakamery.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: GHV Trading

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Extended Recording Mode (XRM™) and delayed start time are just two the many application-friendly features these loggers. internal memory 512 allows storage over 240,000 measurements, more than enough for most data collection needs. Nine models are available record various AC, temperature measurements. addition, several data loggers can synchronized record the same time intervals using DataView®. full set alarm programming tools allows programming alarm set points and triggering high, low, inside outside trigger points. Features z rue RMS measurements provide accurate representation measured signals for models hoice data storage modes assist matching the data collection the application needs tores over 240,000 measurements, ensuring that valuable data missed (more than hours samples per second; approximately 1 week one sample every seconds) Compact size and battery operation Display and analyse real-time data through your PC Applications z ataView® helps electricians engineers detect problems occurring randomly fault/intermittent current detection eutral current monitoring detect unwanted leakage currents armonic real-time current monitoring locate unwanted energy which causes equipment failure oad profiling which sizes loads for proper transformer and meter selection plit-phase load monitoring for residential voltage and current achine load monitoring detects overload conditions causing premature equipment failure due overheating rocess loop monitoring finds troubled sensors and controls VAC and general temperature profiling (refrigeration and airH conditioning systems) Page 138 . The choice data storage modes and storage rates allows the operator effortlessly configure these loggers optimize memory usage for the application required. Instrument configuration, data storage and report generation from predefined templates operator custom-designed templates are also standard features. series front-panel LEDs provides quick overview the logger’s state and memory usage. DataView® application software included, providing real-time viewing measurement data even while recording. All measurement loggers are True RMS (TRMS) and all measurement loggers allow the user program both scale and engineering units. The pages that follow provide more specific information each model, the available accessories and the DataView® software. Their battery operation and compact size allow installation tight locations without the need for external power.thEorY applications Data Logging made simple… The Simple Logger® data logger family cost-effective, advanced-design product line incorporating features and functions not found data loggers costing times their price