5 A…200 0.3-3 k/3 A100 0.3-3 k/3 A100 0. can also supply bare sensors for incorporation assemblies including the signal processing electronics.2-2 k/2 A100 0.5 A…20 0.5 A…2,000 0.5 A…200 0.5 A…300 0.5 A…1,000 0.5 A…3,000 0.3-3 k/3 A100 1-10 k/1
(45 cm) (45 cm) (80 cm) (45 cm) (80 cm) (45 cm) (80 cm) (120 cm) (120 cm)
0.5 A…2,000 0.1 mV
● kHz…20 kHz
≤ 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 %
Volt a
al ac
To order
P01120503 P01120501 P01120502 P01120504 P01120505 P01120506 P01120507 P01120508 P01120509
(1) The upper value corresponds 120 the maximum rated value (3) Lead electronic unit with safety connectors, centre distance mm, for and AmpFLEX™ series
Accessories / Replacement parts
> unlimited use your AmpFLEX™: replace the battery with the F
mains adapter plug Adapter for AmpFLEXTM Adapter for MA100 Adapter for MA200 > P01101968 > P01102086 > P01102087
References order
* pecific models request: consult concerning the possible sensitivities (mV/A) and lengths.5 A…3,000 0.5 A…300 0.
1 kA kA
20 200 A
Measurement range (1)
Output Connections
Specific features
d+ safe Fem lugs ale ock ets BNC con nec tors (coa xial) Tran sfor mat ion ratio (inp ut/o utpu Out put prot ecte Auto mat ains Pow ervo ltag easu rem ent (low pha hift) Ban dwid requ enc Hz)
curr ent
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curr ent
curr ent
Curr ent
A100 20-200/2 A100 2,000/2 A100 2,000/2 A100 0. Each flexible core (48, 120 long depending the model) connected shielded cable small box containing the processing electronics and standard battery.
Portable, on-site and laboratory test and measurement instruments 2012 catalogue
Page 135
.5 A…200 0. The quick and simple system for opening/closing the core makes easy handle even with safety gloves.AmpFLEX
Flexible current sensors
AmpFLEX A100
Flexibility and easy handling for clamping any conductor
The range composed standard models* dedicated the measurement currents from 0.5 A…300 0.5 A…2,000 0.5 kA, industrial frequencies.5 A…3,000 0. The distance between the sockets (19 mm) facilitates direct connection any type multimeter, tester recorder equipped with AC voltage input (impedance 1 MΩ). Other advantages: very lightweight (no magnetic circuit), saturation effect, highly accurate and very little phase shift (for wattmeter measurements).5 A…10,000 A
● ●
2 1 V AC
● ●
1 A 100 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 A 1 mV 1 A 1 mV 1 A 0.5 A…2,000 0.2-2 k/2 A100 0