CHAUVIN ARNOUX - Měřicí přístroje

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Kompletní katalog produktů firmy Chauvin Arnoux - Zkoušečky napětí, multimetry, klešťové multimetry, revizní přístroje, měřiče izolace, měřiče uzemnění, analyzátory kvality el. energie, infrakamery.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
5 to 9.6 GHz WR90/R100 waveguide fitted with "EASYFIX" quick fastening system GUNN ORITEL 204 power supply ORITEL BDH R100 training bench ORITEL 205 SWR indicator 1 3 2 Experiments* Set Studies guided mode GUNN oscillator Frequency Wavelength Standing-wave ratio Detector quadratic law Impedance and matching Attenuation Power Coupling and directionality Isolator and circulator Dielectrics Reference Accessories Reference BDH R100 > P01275101 BDH R100 BDH R100 BDH R100 BDH R100 BDH R100 BDH R100 > P01275101 P01275101 P01275101 P01275101 P01275101 P01275101 Movable impedance adapter Calibrated attenuator Milliwattmeter Probe Cross guide Directional couplers Circulator Isolator Dielectrics kit LAZ 100 ATC 100 600 ST613 GCX 100/20 CDT 100/20 CIR 100 ISO 100 KED 100 > P01275352 P01275339 P01250101 P01285101 P01275305 P01275341 P01275344 P01275308 P01275353 * advisable use the GUNN CF204 power supply power the GUNN-diode oscillators total safety Accessories / Replacement parts > For training benches Movable impedance adapter LAZ100 Calibrated attenuator ATC100 Emission bench BEM100 Experiment frame BTE100 Coaxial cable 1 m CAB100 Ferrite circulator CIR100 Low plane bend COE100/B High plane bend COE100/H Plane bend COH100 P01275352 P01275339 P01275364 P01275361 P01275357 P01275344 P01275347 P01275346 P01275348 Page 122 .RADIOFREQUENCY AND MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS Training benches: guided propagation Education > icrowave teaching aids 8