CHAUVIN ARNOUX - Měřicí přístroje

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Kompletní katalog produktů firmy Chauvin Arnoux - Zkoušečky napětí, multimetry, klešťové multimetry, revizní přístroje, měřiče izolace, měřiče uzemnění, analyzátory kvality el. energie, infrakamery.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING AND MEASUREMENT Contact thermometers TK 2000 2002 >> ompact, accurate thermometers which are easy use: simply connect the probe and start measuring! >>IP protection means they can used any type environment >>Measure the temperature difference with the 2002's two thermocouple inputs ]] 2000 Specifications ]] 2002 65 IP No. inputs Range Accuracy Functions Dimensions weight 1 2 − 50 °C +1,000 °C ± 1.5 mm 200 g SK15 SK2 State delivery > 2000 delivered with 1 flexible thermocouple sensor, 1 operating manual and 1 battery 2002 delivered with flexible thermocouple sensors, 1 operating manual and 1 battery SK8 Accessories / Replacement parts > 2000 and 2002 thermocouple assembly extension See page 107 See page 108 References order > 2000 2002 > P01653100 > P01653110 Page 106 .5 % + 0.5 °C Hold, 163 37