BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 92 z 451

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Poznámky redaktora
0 13.358 .433 .394 .157 4.858 . disconnect #10 ring ring Assortment Qty.394 .457 .287 .374 .858 1.4 20.260 .3 7.0 10.394 .0 15.0 ■) :s1] ^ f^ L ------ --------- ► Wire Range (AWG) 22 18 Wire Range (mm2) 0.5 Ctn.512 .0 13.0 10.394 .307 .3 6.5 12.5 9.394 .0 11./Clamshell 25 40/kit* Cat.276 .433 .374 .248 . Qty.248 6.339 Dimensions (mm) F .591 .5 1.0 13.819 1.512 .819 .8 20.7 4.4 3.047 1.0 15.5 12.3 11.8 19.1 9.055 .0 .0 13.6 6. Crimp Terminals-Rings, Forks, Disconnects and Splices ■ utted -co stru ctio prevents littin axim pressure Internal barrel serrations rip ires tig tly resist ll-o and reduce electrical resistance Tin-plated brass construction corrosion resistance houldered barrel insulation ickly positions inal crim ping xpanded insulation try ccom odates variety insulation diam eters and provides add itio insulation r-c insulation and ire range stam ped inal easy identification W Vinyl Insulated Ring Terminals Max.1 10.2 8 V Wire Connectors Terminal Configurations #10 fork fork .5 2.6 8.250 in.5 9.4 21.4 10.2 and C22.0 9. 25 25 Ctn.5 — 1,000 1,000 — — — 84-2241 — — 84-2341 — — 12 10 4.5 .8 26.0 6.276 .5 13.260 . (Inches) (mm) . No.3 6.472 . Wire Wire Ins.8 21. Dia.0 9.512 .8 7.0 10.3 75° C/600 Volts max.055 1.047 1.6 26.3 5.512 L 19.3 7. 83-2121 83-2131 83-2141 83-2151 83-2221 83-2231 83-2241 83-2251 83-2331 83-2341 83-2351 83-2361 83-2371 — — 16 14 1.248 .315 .0 6.413 .0 1E 10.0 34.472 .0 Dimensions (Inches) L .0 11.4 4.3 6.0 13.3 5.512 .8 26.4 8. Qty.177 4.531 (Inches) (mm) 6 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3.335 . Ins.ire Term ination Term-a-Nut® Terminal Wire Connectors ■ required installs ickly ith rim easily rem oved changes Use ith single ultiple ires solid stranded ighly ond uctive brass term inal and r-b spring axim ctivity and ooth perform ance Tough, 94V-2 fla -re shell rated 105°C (221°F) and 486C Listed and tested C22.5 W .0 10.5 13.0 10.339 1.358 .0 8. Max.3 5.531 . ®CnV® 7 Listed ressure ire Connector 1-800-435-0705 ustom Service .7 4.6 8.394 .374 . Dia.5 34.764 . 30-3004 30-3014 30-3006 30-3012 30-3010 30-3901 C1 STE *Kit contains each: 30-3004, 30-3014, 30-3006, 30-3012 and 30-3010.0 10.8 26.591 E .167 1.0 W 6.0 10.764 .394 .6 29.315 .0 F 6.394 .0 7