BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 40 z 451

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Poznámky redaktora
6 in) 1.8 25. Auxiliary features Power Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight 40 Patient Simulators .6 °F), (104 °F) Hypothermia, hyperthermia, and spike Two alkaline batteries, battery eliminator 17.FLUKE Patient Simulator Specifications Blood pressure channels Channels Four synchronized with normal sinus rhythm rates; tracks arrhythmia activity Transducer Exciter voltages: and compatible Sensitivity: pV/V/mmHg and pV/V/mmHg Calibrated rate: BPM Available selections Static pressure Dynamic pressure: Art (120/80), (120/0), RA/CVP (15/10), (25/0), (25/10), PAW (10/2) Swan-Ganz procedure (manual) Triangle wave Respiration Normal physiological simulation Baseline impedance: 500 2000 Impedance variations: Rates: BrPM 120 BrPM Apnea: Off, momentary, continuous, timed (12 sec and sec) I/E Ratio: 5/1, 4/1, 3/1, 2/1, Baseline shift: Delta impedance reduced 1/6 and shifted either positive negative. Ventilator simulation: BrPM fixed ratio Artifact Temperature ECG: Hz, Hz, muscle, and baseline wander. All single leads.4 7. BP/respiration: Two pressure values Channel Fixed (98. The rate changed 120 BrPM for sec/min.5 lb) B iom edical Optional accessories 2248554 Multipurpose Hard­ sided Watertight Carrying Case 2199070 remote control interface cable (right-angle DIN female DB25) 2199225 Patient Simulator medTester interface cable (rightangle DIN female DB25) 2199747 DS-A Datascope System (DS-1 cable required) intraaortic balloon assist sync cable 2199786 KT-A Kontron K200, KAAT (KT-1 cable required) intra-aortic balloon assist sync cable 2645641 HHC3 Handheld Controller For complete list cardiac adapters, temperature and bloodpressure cables, contact us.6 (3.6 °F) Channel (86 °F), (98