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About Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance.
Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.
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Poznámky redaktora
O.4 lb)
B iom edical
Fetal/Maternal ECG and IUP simulations (optional)
Included accessories
2720054 Battery Eliminator 2243350 Users Manual
Ordering information
Model Arrhythmia selections Respiration channels Swan-Ganz procedure Temperature channels User-programmable auto-sequences Cardiac output PS410 PS400 DataSim 6100
35 No
1 No
34 Yes Yes, three Yes Yes Optional
2251364 MPS450 (ECG 12-lead simulation; invasive BP; respiration; temperature; sync ith ECG; large, bright 4-line 20-character display; R-wave-detection test; RS-232 port for computer control; soft-key navigation; universal ECG connectors; and flash memory for easy program upgrade) 2251373 MPS450-C0 (base model plus cardiac-output simulation) 2251399 MPS450-FET (base model plus direct fetal/maternal ECG simulations ith maternal heart rate, selectable fetal heart rate, and dynamic intrauterine pressure waveform [IUP]) 2251386 MPS450-C0/FET (base model plus cardiac-output simulation and direct fetal/ maternal ECG simulations with maternal heart rate, selectable fetal heart rate, and dynamic intrauterine pressure waveform [IUP])
Optional accessories
2248623 Soft-Sided Vinyl Carrying Case 2238659 Serial Cable D9M-D9F 2226608 Cardiac-Output Adapter Box 2645641 HHC3 Handheld Controller
Cardiac output adapters
2392285 Medical/ Marquette Cardiac Output Cable (interface cable for Medical/Marquette plus monitors, including in-line switch box select injectate temperature) 2227016 Gould/Spectramed 1445 Injectate Temperature Adapter pin)
2227025 Gould/Spectramed 1465 Injectate Temperature Adapter (phone jack) 2226973 Injectate Temperature Adapter (1/4 phone plug) 2391990 Universal Injectate Temperature Adapter Pigtail (unterminated) 2392158 General Purpose Connector
For com plete list temperature and blood-pressure cables, contact us.5 l/min, l/min, and l/min Cal Pulse: 1.3 7.4 (7.O. for 24°: 2.
Patient Simulators
. for 0°: 2.5° for second Fixed fetal heart rates: BPM 240 BPM Dynamic fetal heart activity: Uniform deceleration, uniform acceleration, early deceleration, late deceleration Maternal heart rate: BPM Dynamic intrauterine pressure (IUP) Waveform: positive bell-shaped pressure curve Peak pressure: mmHg, mmHg (max) Contraction interval: minutes, minutes, and minutes (manual) Duration: seconds Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight 18.6 (1.FLUKE PS450 Patient Simulator Specifications
Blood pressure channels Channels synchronized with normal sinus rhythm rates; tracks arrhythmia activity Transducer Exciter voltages: and compatible Sensitivity: pV/V/mmHg and pV/V/mmHg Calibrated Rate: BPM Available selections Static pressure Dynamic pressure: Art (120/80), Radial Art (120/80), (120/0), RA/CVP (15/10), (25/0), (25/10), PAW (10/2), and (14/4) Swan-Ganz procedure: automated and manual control Temperatures Cardiac output (optional) °C, °C, °C, and Faulty-injectate curve Left-to-right shunt curve C.5 l/min, l/min, and l/min C.5 in) 0