About Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance.
Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.
Poznámky redaktora
................C-31 LASERedge™ Tool its C-27 Lead Set Kit, Earth esistance........................................................H-8 Lockout Tags, Bilingual .......................... F-10, F-26 Leads, Standard Test ................G-10 Oversized ircuit Breaker Lockout System ........ C-41 aster Electrician's Tote™............ H-11
M easuring Tape, onduit ..... B-6
M echanical Indentor Crimp Tool ..................F-3, F-4, F-6 agnetic-Tip easuring Tape ...... H-12 Lockout, djusta ble Cable Lockout, Cable 0
Noalox® ti-O xid ant B-12 on-C onductive crew driver/ utdriver ...Item
LANTEK® Cable ertification
Meter, 1000 Clamp
..............A-30, A-32 echanic's Tool ................................................E-30 Pens, arking Pens, rking ............. -60 unting Head ies......H-6 Lockout, ulti-P ole Breaker -6
Large uth ........................ G-14 lti-W ire Pulling .E-7 .............................................H-11 Padlocks, Steel Pads, ripper Pads, unting ......................................... H-2 Lockout/Tagout its ............................................................. F-27, F-28
Lever™-Snips Electrician's Scissors .. G-31 Mini™ ..C-25 arking Pens ..............................................................E-3 Pliers, iagonalC utting ............................F-7 Meter, 600 F-15 Meter, 600 Series t......... E-31 Fault Tester ........................................ E-10
Locking Cable, Python™
M ultim eters, Test-Pro®............E-27 Lil' Ripper Stripper™ Line Packages .. C-4 6
Pliers, Insulated ............................................................. -14 Pilot Drill, SmoothStart™ Replacement ........................................H-12 Lockout Padlocks .....................................................F-30 igh t-D uty Toggle Switches Lights, Flush Indicator .......G-23
M dular Plugs, CAT 6
Lights, inia ture Ind icator.................H-19 on-C onta Voltage Tester on-C onta Voltage Tester, oltA are™ ..................... C-31 Material Specifications, Cable ...................... C-11, C-15
Phillips riv .............................................. F-11 Leads, Test F-19, F-28, F-33
Lockout/Tagout Kit, Personal Lockout/Tagout Kit, Plant Facility................ F-21 Leakage urrent Clamp r.... H-13 Lockout System, ircuit Breaker ............ C-48 ....... H-7 Lockout, Large Breaker ........... E-28 MiniLite-Strip™ Optical Fiber trip r......... C-19 Pigtail ire onn ectors.......................... C-47 aster Electrician's Hole Saw ................ E-6 unting Pads ..................................... A-22, -23 Pencil-Type Resurfacer ................ -39
Parallel lice s....................................................... C-38
M ltim edia Cable Tester, ............. E-17, H-11
M lti-C rim Tools
........... B-16 ............................................................E-11 ........................G-2, G-3 Large Breaker Lockout 6
Meter, 310 Series ita l.G-18
Leads, Resistor-Fused
OmniCONN™ F-Connectors OmniSeal™ Compression ...................................... C-25
Plastic Insulated Cable tacker .............. H-9 Lockout, Hinged Single-Pole Breaker .......... F-13
Lockout Tags, eavy-D uty............. F-27 Level, Torpedo Lever Switches ................................................................... C-10, C-13
Lockout Devices, Ball Valve Lockout Hasps, Safety ..... H-11 ............................................................................................... E-7 easuring Tape, Autom atic Blade Lock ... C-31 Toggle Switches .......................... H-7
Leads, oltag e........... H-2 Lockout/Tagout Large uth ...H-11 Lockout Padlocks, Alum inum Safety .............G-8 LinkMaster™ PRO Tester Kits LinkMaster™ PRO Tester LinkMaster™ r................................................................ F-6 lti-P Breaker Lockout -6
Plastic Insulated Staples
Plastic Polishing Plates, ll............ C-34 Pliers, Premium Electrician's ide-C utting ... C-23
Lockout igns..G-9 unting Bases, Screw unting Channels ............................................ C-4
M dular Tester, Smart6™.......F-5, F-15 Microscope, Fiber Inspection............. E-17, H-11 .............. C-9, C-13
Pliers, ide-C utting
A lphabetical Index
.............................................H-3 Lockout/Tagout Kit, Standard Lockout/Tagout Kit, rte r........... F-18 ..................... E-32
..............................F-29, F-15 on-D etectable nderground Tapes..................................................................................................................................................F-3, F-6
M asonry Flexible its ......................G-2, G-3 LANTEK® Cable ertification Tester ........ D-7 ..... -62 lti-S trip Coax/UTP Cable trip r.......F-30 Meter, Split-Jaw™ art ..........G-10 OmniSeal™ Pro Compression ..................................... H-10 Lockouts, inia ture ircuit Breaker ............... H-5 Lockouts, ircuit Breaker ............................F-31 Linem an's Jack ife ........ C-21 Nutdrivers, Insulated H-18
Tester ........... C-9 .................................. C-25 ......... H-9 Lockouts, Plug ......................................................F-3, F-4
Entrance Straps
................ C-6
Paint Shields, Mask™
Long-N ose lie .......... H-9 inia ture Indicator ....................... G-32 Load Centers ..................................B-6 27
Lockout, Single-Pole Breaker Lockout, Universal r...... H-11 .........E-27
Padlocks, t..............A -14 Pigtail ire Connectors, Term -a-N ut® ..................................... C-46 Plug Tool Kit dular Plugs ................................G-31 Precision rinder .....................F-8 ultim eters, Contractor-G rade ... G-9 ltim Selection ultim eters, ............ C-22
Padded Nylon Case
Light .................................... G-9 Lite-Strip™ Optical Fiber trip r..................... H-10
Lockout, Electric Plug .................. F-14 Meter, Ground Resistance Clamp Clamp .......................... H-6
Leads, Silicone Test ......C-25
M ulti-P urpose Cable ..... H-15 agnetic Strap .. C-25 LinkMaster™ PRO Tester.......H-12
M echanical Lugs, r-C onnect™ ......... B-15 easuring Tape, agnetic-Tip ..H-3 Lockout/Tagout Training ...... E-10 Plastic Insulated Service
M ultim eters, Industrial-G rade ultim eters, PlatinumPro® .. H-4 .................. F-28
Nutdrivers, utm aster® A-10, C-20 Nutmaster® riv C-20
Lockout/Tagout Kit, Industrial Lockout/Tagout Kit, Job Site -4
M eters, 340 Series ..................F-14 Leather Case .................................. G-23 ...........................E-20 Nailbiter™ Ship Bits Cable T®-Stripper ire tripp ers........F-7 Meter, 660 F-15 Meter, nalog ....................... E-25
M RCA Connectors
M inia ture ircuit Breaker ckouts..............................................G-12
Packages, Line ............................................ E-28 Lights, Raised r........ F-17 Leaders, Fish Tape ........................................................................... F-14
.......... H-7 Lockout/Tagout Kit, Basic ..... E-16 Lock Box, Group ........................... H-9 Long-Arm Cable utters ........................H-3 Lock Labels Lock Stations djusta ble ............ H-2
Meter, Leakage urrent
Meter, t........... H-9 Lockouts, Wall Switch .......G-16
Lockouts, Gate ......................C-10, C-14 Lugs, Termend® ..... B-16
Line litte r.........................................F-18 Lead Set, Tracer ... E-7 lti-C rim Strip l......G-22 PlatinumPro® ltim F-4 Plenum Ties .......................................................................................... H-11
..G-2, G-3 LANTEK® Cable ertification Tester ................ F-24 acksaw .............................H-14 utdriver Set ................................