About Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance.
Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.
Poznámky redaktora
... C-46 Bits, Nailbiter™ Ship ugers ....................................... B-13
....................... G-6 Certifier, SIGNALTEK™ igabit Ethernet ertifier .G-16 Cable plicing Knife ................ F-5, F-10, F-11, F-12, F-19, F-23 Carrying Case Selection ... .......................... F-30, F-15 ...... E-2 Cable Tie Bag .........C-41 djusta ble ren ches...... C-17 7-in-1 Twist-a-Nut™ crew driver ....F-8
A lph tica Index
5-in-1 riv r.. C-45
Bender Handles ................. C-46
Augers, RESI-MASTER™ eavy-D uty Ship ..............C-47
Bits, Installer ............................................ C-44 Bushings, Universal Metal Stud ...................C -42, C-43 Blocks, .......... C-47 Blades, Die-Type ........ E-7 Cable Ties, ssorted .... G-17 Cable Splitters, Surge Suppression .................... E-29 Alum inum Benders .F-12, F-15 6-in-1 Twist-a-Nut™ Tapping l............................................................................... H-3 ...................................................lphabetical Index
Item igabit lien Crosstalk Testing Kit ..............................C-21
Cable Tie Material
....................... C-41
A viation Tin Snips ............ B-7 ...................... C-19 Cable ertification Testers, LANTEK® ........ A-27 Bases, crew unting 6
Arbors, Hole Saw ....... E-17
Accessories, Heat Gun .......................... E-16
C oax/U ..................C -30
Case, Leather ...........C-30 BULZ-EYE™ Kits ...G-22 Can Light Hole Saw, djusta ble ...... G-15 Cable plicing Kit ......................... -62 Cable Ties, Cable Ties, Powr-Tie™ E-5 Cable, USB ............F-11, F-15 600 Series Pocket ...E-21
Cable Cutter, atcheting Cable Cutter, Telco Ratcheting Cable Cutters
Cards, rite-O r.............................................................. E-2 Bag, Lockout/Tagout Bags, Large uth ..C-22
Adapter, llig Clip F-24 Adapter, ...F-7 660 Clamp ter ............... D-5, D-6 Blades, acksaw C-48 Blades, Knife-Type ..................... F-32
B-CAP® ire Connectors Belt Bag™ Supplies Pouch Belts .................. E-11 Cable Stripper, Coax ...... E-11 Carbon Steel .... C-5 Cable Stripper, UTP Cable Strippers, UTP/STP/Coaxial .. C-30 Aqua-Gel® Cable Pulling Lubricant .............. H-7 Brush Seater Com utator r.........G-25 Batteries ................. C-11, C-15 ................. -60 ircuit Analyzers, SureTest® 3
A nalog Clamp ..................... C-24 llig Clip dap ter ................................. E-28
...........F-5, F-15
3-P hase/M otor Rotation Tester ..H-11 ...G-6 1000 Clamp r............................... E-10 Cards, ire rker ............................... H-14 Barrier Strips ............A-22, -23
C arbide Hole utter arbide Hole tte ....................E-32
C able s..................... G-15 Cable Stripper, Cyclops® Data .....................................................C-46 utom atic Blade Lock easuring Tape ....................... H-3 Breaker Lockout, Hinged .......... E-29 Battery Clips ......... F-24 ........... C-21 Page Item Page
Cable Stripper, lti-S trip
A Kits .......................H-7 Breaker Lockout, Large .................B-11 qua-G el® IIP Cable Pulling Lubricant .................. G-16 Cable Splitter, ita l... -40
Cable Tie Installation Tool Cable Tie Installation Tools 2
4-in-1.............. G-21 BNC Connectors ..............................B-11 Extension, Hole Saw 1
BNC Coaxial Connectors .................... G-9 lifie Probe, TRACETone™ Tone enerator .......................... .... F-14 nalog ltim ............... E-11
A lifie Probe
A lifie Probe Tone enerator Kit .....B-13
Cable Slitting Tool, .......H -6
310 Series Digital ter ...... F-26
Ball Valve Lockout Devices
Barricade .. B-13 .............................. B-11 Cable Pulling Lubricant, Aqua-Gel® IIP ................................................E-15 Accessories, Toggle Switch ccessory Kits, Tuff-Rod™ Fishing Pole ................ F-23
Cable Cutters, Long-Arm Cable Lockout
Basic Data Video Kit ..............................E-17 Carriers, Foam Carrying Case ................................................. E-2 ..F-4, F-33 Adapters, llig Clip Adapters, urrent Clamp ...........................G-17 Blued-Steel Fish Tapes 4
Cable Straps, xia l.............. C-22 ...... B-13 Bilingual Lockout Tags Bits, Flexible Drill .................................................. G-2, G-3 .......... G-23 CCTV/Security Tester, SecuriTEST™ PRO ...........................G-18 ...........................F-7 340 Series eters ........................ C-16 9-in-1 Ratch-a-Nut™ crew driver . G-15
Certifier, SIGNALTEK™-FO ltim edia Ethernet ...............G-14 Cable Tie ssortm ent ..G-14 Cable Stripper, Ringer™ Shielded ....... F-22, F-23, F-24 llig lip ............. G-15
Booklets, ire rke Booklets, rite-O ire
Box, Group Lock ..................................... B-12 Bender, Pocket Guide Benders, lum inum Benders, onduit ..................................................F-13 1000V Insulated crew olding Screwdriver .................................. G-6 Channel lam ps......... F-10
Breaker Lockout, lti-P le
Breaker Lockout, Single-Pole Breaker Lockout, ive rsa l..................B-11 qua-G el® Cable Pulling Lubricant ............C-7 Cable Service Kit ............. F-32 Cases, Fish Tape ........................... B-6 Cases, Insulated Hand Tool CAT lugs........................C-25
BULZ-EYE™ Self Feed ood Boring Bits .............C-48 .............D-2, D-3
A lum inum Safety Lockout Padlocks ....................................G-27
Adapter, Therm ocouple ........ B-13 Bender Putter .................... -16 Bag, Cable Tie ..........................E-31 Accessories, rounding ....................................... C-35 10-in-1 Screwdriver . B-11 Cable Pulling Lubricant, Aqua-Gel® ..................G-9
Blades, Punch Down Tool Blades, Reciprocating ..............A -29, B-12 ppliance Rocker Switches Apron, Supplies .............. G-9
Cable .................E-16 ............................................. C-38 Carbon Steel Service Entrance
Abrasive, Powr-Polish™ Flexible ........... H-10 djusta ble Can Light Hole Saw ................................................................................................... H-10
Cable Pulling Lubricant, Aqua-Gel® ..... F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6, F-31 Adapters, Flexible Clamp ......................... C-20
B utt Splices ..E-10
Benders, uctile Iro ..G-7 Center onductor utter ertifier SIGNALTEK™-FO ltim edia Ethernet .... F-27 Case, Padded Nylon F-28 Cases, Carrying .F-23 Adapter, Isolated Ground .............. F-27 Battery Clamps, lier-Type................... E-9 Anchors, Flange-Type Plastic Anti-O xidant, Noalox® .............. E-31 B-TAP® Connectors .................................... G-17 Cable r................................. E-10 Cable Staples, Data ............................................Test Tool
600 Clamp ter ................... B-11 Cable ipper............................................C -46
S pecifications .......... F-3, F-4
Bucket Bag Tool arrier......................................C-41 Bit Extensions ........................... B-3 Cases, Fish Tape Replacem ent .. F-24 Adapter, Ground ontinuity ............... C-31 0
Cabinet Tip Screwdrivers ................................................................F-32 Carrying Case, C-290 F-24 Carrying Case, C-50 Carrying Case, C-90 Carrying Cases ...................................................... F-21, F-31 djusta ble Cable t.............................. B-16 . E-10 Cable Stacker, Plastic Insulated .............C-22
Staples ......................