BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 225 z 451

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Poznámky redaktora
1, estern uides Nos.12/ 130mm 6.11873.55”/14mm 0.000 . LISTED Thermo-Shrink® Medium-Wall Heat Shrinkable End Caps ■ reates rtig seal ends and tro cords Effectively offers rote ctio oxidation, ozone, radiation, etc.47”/12mm 0. 600% min.5% growth +1% /-10% Model TS-46-400 Cable Range* 12-6 AWG 8-1/0 AWG 2-4/0 AWG 3/0 AWG400 KCMIL 250750 KCMIL Length (In.76/ 70mm 3.) (Max.) (In.D.100 .38735mm 2. 2.39710mm 0.72”/120mm Recovered I. Immersion per MIL-DTL-23053 Water Absorption Fungus Resistance Longitudinal Change, min.) 0.) (In. Recovered (Min.5mm 0.98”/25mm 1.15774.4, 2.090 Heat Shrink ^ TS-46-1100 1.77/ 45mm 2.20”/5mm 0.38”/35mm 2.150 .1874. (Min.D. All values are typical performance data and are not used design data.500 .59715mm 1.350 . No.67717mm 1.76770mm 2. 500V/mil (20kV/min.20.05g/cm3 >300% >15KV/mm 10l4Q.35/ 85mm 5.0mm 0.71718mm 0. (Max. I.5mm 0. wire and Insulation. 175°C Tensile Strength Elongation Heat Shock, hrs.2 No.D.D. 225°C Flammability Low Temperature Brittle Point Volume Resistivity Dielectric Strength Corrosive Effect Solvent Resistance hrs. Range* 0.18730mm 1.D. IEC 243 IEC 93 Typical Data 1 -55°CC +110°C >14 MPa >400% 1.D.240 .079”/2.3mm 0.Thermo-Shrink® Heavy-Wall Heat Shrinkable Tubing ■ -46 irradiated cross-lin polyolefin ith 3:1 standard rin ratio dhesive liner provides insulation and pro ctio electrical splices above-grade, applications axim flam retardancy 486D C22.750 . TS-46-750 .95”/75mm 4.337110mm Length (In.160 TS-46-2000 2.77745mm 2.) 0.2, -19-8 and insulation ickn requirem ents ontinuous operating from -55°C 110°C Rated 600V, 90°C tin use hrin 120°C Expanded Recovered Nominal l.36760mm Recovered Wall Thickness +/-10% 0.5, IEEE 383 Vertical Flame Test, C37.2, C119.470 . No. 46-343 46-344 46-346 46-347 46-348 46-350 46-351 46-352 46-354 46-356 46-357 46-358 46-369 46-371 46-372 Specific Gravity Heat Aging, 168 hrs. 500% cracks, flowing dripping Self-extinguishing -55°C 1013ohm-cm min.060 Continuous Operating Temperature Tensile Strength (PSI) Ultimate Elongation Secant Modulus Strain Properties Shrink Temperatures Heavy Wall 120°C 250°C (200°C recommended) -55°C 110°C 2,100 PSI Expanded l.20 max.400 .0mm 0. wire and insulation.) Non-corrosive Good excellent 0. Consult the wire manufacturer's catalog for specific O.) Wall Thickness (In. w . 198.) .95”/75mm 4.) 6 48 Cat.) 1. 46-381 46-382 46-383 46-384 46-387 •C onsult the wire manufacturer's catalog for specific O. 1.630 .3178mm 0.09172.0mm Cable Dia. 25,000 PSI lin trie m 1 sto ervice .120 TS-46-1500 1.10/ 155mm Cat. oated ith elt adhesive ensure viro seal Fits easily over end cable Protect cables 1000V and ica tio cable ecom ended both open and istrib tio cables ith PVC, lead XLPE sheaths Therm ally stabilized cro ss-lin polylelin, coated ith specially designed elt adhesive Technical Data Property Operating Temperature Tensile Strength Elongation break Density Elongation break after aging Dielectric Strength Volume Resistance Test Method IEC 216 ASTM 638 ASTM 638 ASTM 792 150°C, 168 hrs.160 •Reference only