BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 220 z 451

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Poznámky redaktora
./9.27mm Mounting Hole .699 in.625 in.) 3/16 1/4 5/16 Quantity 100 100 50 Cat.52mm .343 in./14. No.52mm . No. combohead, sheet-metal screws 1-3/16 in.35mm Center Center . No./20./5.88mm .71mm .16mm Qty./19. long White 1-1/2 Clamps/Anchors/Tubing Flange-Type Plastic Anchors Flange-Type Plastic Anchor Kits . masonry bit (carbide-tipped) 100 #10-12 in./5. 250 ft.52mm .203 in.16mm .203 in. combo-head, sheet-metal screws 1-1/4 in.18mm . Flange-type anchors, 100 #10 in. Flexible Tubing *Buchanan branded Qty./15.125 in. Flexible Tubing 1/2 in.203 in. Thickness .16mm .203 in.060 in.05mm .idealindustries.250 in./1.75mm .553 in.Wire Managem ent Clamps ■ Use secure ires, cables, pipes, and fib optics ltraviolet nylon clam available internal and external use Use ith ounting scre w Description Natural Nylon Natural Nylon Black Nylon Natural Nylon Black Nylon Natural Nylon Natural Nylon Natural Nylon Natural Nylon Closed Diameter ./1. 1/2 in./10. Flange-type anchors, 100 #10 1-1/4 in./17.750 in. Flange-type anchors, #14 1-1/2 in.500 in. 1/2 in. long Red in./8. combocombo-head, sheet-metal screws 1-1/4 in./1./5.203 in. 1/2 in. Cat.825 in./5.060 in.69mm Width 3/8 in. long ■ Kits include fla -typ anchors, slo tte illip head screw and asonry bit onvenient plastic sto container Contents 100 #6-8-10 7/8 in.060 in.000 in./1.625 in. 10 ft.16mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 ■ lti-p use solid aterials llo walls, ill fall For use ith she t-m screw -im plastic stru ctio resists oisture, corrosion and deterioration Description Yellow 7/8 in.70mm . No./5./12. 90-041 90-042 90-044 Flexible Tubing* ■ Flexible polyethylene cuts easily desired length plits open neat lin irin Snaps create tin protective cover Description 3/8 in. masonry bit (carbide-tipped) 100 #10-12 in.52mm . Flange-type anchors, 100 in. masonry bit (carbide-tipped) 100 #10-12 in.52mm .060 in./15. 900 ft.060 in.500 in.375 in.16mm .203 in.96mm 1/2 in./5. 772240 772245 772241 772244 772242 772243 1-800-435-0705 ustom Service w ./25./1. 1,200 ft.52mm .40mm . ft.88mm . 1/2 in. IT125CCL-C IT250CCL-C IT250CCL-C0 IT375CCL2-C IT375CCL2-C0 IT500CCL2-C IT625CCL2-C IT750CCL2-C IT1000CCL2-C ./Bag 100 100 100 Cat.050 in. combo-head, sheet-metal screws 1-1/4 in.203 in./12./1./6. masonry bit (carbide-tipped) Cat. Flexible Tubing in. Flexible Tubing 3/8 in./5.16mm .421 in./3./1.27mm . 90-051 90-052 90-053 90-054 90-055 Screw Size 6-8-10 10-12 14-16 Drill Size (In. Flexible Tubing 1/2 in. Flexible Tubing in.05mm 1.70mm . 3/8 in. ft.16mm . Flange-type anchors, 100 #12 in.050 in. combohead, sheet-metal screws 1-5/16 in. masonry bit (carbide-tipped) #14-16 1-1/2 in