BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 133 z 451

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Poznámky redaktora
Phenolic One Piece Traditional standard heavy industrial, rail transport, tility and traffic control industries.7 107 min.25 4.88 4. its L 1 #18 AWG through AWG 2 12 1. tin Blocks eet 600V creepage and clearance requirem ents and general industrial control ent and panelboards. A For single ire, aximum perage recom ended 50A. Catalog Number Mounting Style Number Circuits Ampacity Contact Type Screw Type Wire Range (AWG) Housing Material Contact Material Screw Material Maximum Service Temperature Dielectric Strength (RH40% sea level) High Voltage Arc Testing (in.50 5.88 2.49 .) Water Absorption (24 hrs. Terminal Blocks ■ Two, four, six, eight and lve circu models Strap scre contacts cce ire and aller and are rated ovetail base ounts standard size channel Pilot screw ith strap cre contacts speed installation tim Easily identifiable circuits ith use plain ite arking strip assem bly required each single, easily installed unit Specifications C .63 in.75 8./min.38 7. ithstand voltages greatly excess IEEE itch standards 750V.0 3. The rugged, con stru ctio finds ide application irty and fib tio environm ents.25 ^ ire erm ination . weight gain) Flammability Chemical Resistance Radiation Resistance (ergs g-' C) B102 Two-W tin Base 50A Strap Screw (Steel) 0-3 ind ing Head #8 B104 Two-W tin Base 50A Strap Screw (Steel) 0-3 Bind ing Head #8 B106 Two-W tin Base 50A Strap Screw (Steel) 10-3 ind ing Head #8 B108 Two-W tin Base 50A Strap Screw (Steel) 0-32 ind ing Head #8 B112 Tw o-W oun tin Base 50A Strap Screw (Steel) 10-32 ind ing Head #8 P henolic, Filled, Flame retardant opper opper llo Steel Plated 150°C (302 thickness (per D149) .13 5.58 D570) 94V-1 (per UL94) esistance acids, alkalies and liph atic ydrocarbons and ketones (per D543) 2. LR 25557 3810 WIRE RANGE: Solid Stranded Strap Screw Dimensions No.63 2