BLUE PANTHER (sbírka datasheetů)

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About Fluke Biomedical Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the manufacture of biomedical test and simulation products, including standalone electrical safety testers to fully integrated and automated performance testing and documentation systems. Fluke Biomedical also provides some of the most trusted and accurate radiation safety, medical imaging, and oncology quality-assurance solutions for regulatory compliance. Service Fluke Biomedical is dedicated to providing the best service within the healthcare industry. Equipped with the bestcredentialed facilities, onsite experts, and full asset-management capabilities, Fluke Biomedical's service team is always on call to take care of its customers. Fluke Biomedical's world-class staff leads the industry in post- and pre-sale support, including helping customers choose the best products and accessories for their needs, technical support, product calibration, and repairs.

Vydal: Blue Panther s.r.o., Autor: Blue Panther Praha

Strana 116 z 451

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1-800-435-0705 ustom Service w .Wire Termination Waterproof Breakaway Steetlight Connector Splice Insulating Kits ■ Safe and easy installation five inutes less special necessary requires only knife, ire trip and crim nique ire entry port, t-o design accom odates industry's range insulation diam eters Few parts than titive brands tte protection uilt-in bre ak-aw design elim inates iza tion circuits Safely separates upon ith breaking ires elim inates potential and electrical (breakaw odels) nique 2-in-1 crim barrel acco industry's range cto (breakaw odels) prin -lo contacts expansion aintain rity ctio (breakaw odels) W Application Guide Examples Several Kit Configurations For Poles with Transformer Bases, Standard Bases and Junction Boxes Underground Feed Phase Phase Configurations • D65 dual -lin phases and 84S kits taps Two 82S Y-Tap Kits phases and taps Two BTS4 B-CAP® Twist Seal ire onnectors Comments Recommended ost-effective Non-breakaway, all gauge AWG and above).. Underground Feed Phase Neutral Configurations • D65PN dual -lin phase and neutral and Two 84S kits tap One 82S Y-Tap Kit phase and tap and one 83S Y-Tap Kit neutral and tap Two BTS4 B-CAP® Twist and Seal ire onnectors Comments R ecom ended configuration ost-effective Non-breakaway, all gauge AWG and above).idealindustries. For Lights Mounted Utility Poles, etc.. Overhead Feed • Two Insu lation Piercing onnectors phase tap (fo insulated cond uctors ecom ended onfiguration see Insu tio iercing onnectors - 4® Streetlight Kits . See ire onn ector section. See ire onn ector section