Bezhalogenové kabely v případě požáru neuvolňují hustý toxický dým a korozivní zplodiny, což usnadňuje podmínky pro bezpečnější únik a případný zásah hasičů. Elektroinstalace s použitím bezhalogenových kabelů nkt cables představuje větší bezpečí pro osoby, ale i pro technická zařízení a majetek. Obchodní označení NOPOVIC znamená, že v daném typu kabelu není obsaženo PVC (No Polyvinylchlorid).
Poznámky redaktora
Construction Products Regulation (CPR-requirements) for cables
Cables are the nerve system modern life
They are essential for the transport electricity and for the routing all kinds prEN50399
Conscious their importance regards safety general and their influence case fire particular, the cable industry its entirety,
some time ago, took the strategic decision invest research develop products which will contribute towards ever increasing safety.
Recently the Commission has recognized the importance the cables regards their reaction fire1 and added classification
dedicated that within the Construction Products Directive. Danish Asnæs has nkt cables own accredited facility for carrying
out the CPD testing well relevant standards for cables.
As can expected for such complex decision the European level, the implementation the directive will take time. Electric cables have finally obtained European Classification for their
Reaction-to-Fire performance. Testing flame retarding, fire retarding,
smoke density, acidity smoke and CPR fire testing are covered the nkt cables certification activities.
In these regulated applications, only marked certified cables should used.
Safety major concern for the European Authorities too.
1 The response product contributing its own decomposition fire which exposed.
nkt cables fulfills the CPR requirements with new generation HFFR cables produced its own
factories the Czech Republic. Sub-ratings are applied for some EuroClasses addition the fundamental fire
ratings. Although often invisible, cables are
present everywhere and large quantities. Meanwhile,
The European Cable Industry, through its association Europacable, has committed keeping all stake holders2
up-to-date with the development
of the situation.
EuroClass has been split into two sub-classes B1ca and B2ca satisfying either "plenum type" "HFFR
type" requirements. This exemplified the essential requirements imposed the construction
Safety case fire
The construction works must designed and built such way that the event outbreak fire:
• the load-bearing capacity the construction can assumed for specific period time,
• the generation and spread fire and smoke within the works are limited,
• the spread the fire neighboring construction works limited,
• occupants can leave the works rescued other means,
• the safety rescue teams taken into consideration. The product structure can then classified terms
of the relevant fire reaction. National Authorities will, where appropriate, include the classifica-
tion into National Regulations indicating which Class mandatorily applicable particular Construction.
Examples classes: (non-combustible material)
A2-s1, (limited combustibility material)
B-s1, (Class surface lining)
C-s2, (Class surface lining)
D-s2, (Class III surface lining)
A1fl (non-combustible floor covering material)
Cfl-s1 (Class floor covering for exit routes)
Dfl-s1 (Class floor covering for meeting halls and similar)
BL-s1, (pipe insulation)
B2ca s1, d0, (cables)
The conditions for fulfilling the CPR requirements for cables are for the producers quite complicated –
contain different EuroClasses safety ranging from Aca (no burning) Fca (no limitation burning).
The process still going and brings new solutions every day.
Classes for materials, surface linings, pipe and cables
Fire reaction classes for surface coverings are divided into seven main classes: A1, A2, and Their contribution fire, measured
by heat release and flame spread the main classification criteria, but the emissions smoke and its acidity are considered additional
classification criteria. Heat release and flame spread are the main classification criterion, but smoke production, flaming
droplets and acidity are also classified. Fire resistance
is one several properties the structure/product, and thus not simply property the specific
materials used the structure product.
Cable testing according CPR Asnæs
Testing the fire resistance building element involves determining its behavior when exposed to
a particular temperature, normally that representing fire enclosed space room). The Decision 2006/751/CE was published the Official Journal 27th October 2006.
2 Primarily cable users, installers and distributors, and also other parties involved such local authorities, architects, etc…
Example CPD test
chamber acc