BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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The use of innovations and new technologies at Hageris always customer-driven. Every year, Hager evaluatesthousands of its customer contacts, resulting in detailedknowledge of its customers’needs in order to workefficiently and successfully.

Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

Strana 9 z 616

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Poznámky redaktora
3 112-115 B.1/B.1/B.1 102-107 Technical specifications, Mounting plates, Cleaning instruction, General terms and conditions business, Product summary from 516 Special ranges Serie 1930, Glasserie, Palazzo 276-287 TS, Crystal, Crystal Ball, Sensor 288-321 Building management systems Motion detectors 312-311 Radio Bus 322-351 KNX/EIB 352-425 Safety systems 426-435 Industrial design range Integro 436-439 Module inserts 440-453 Splash-protected ranges Splash-protected flush mounted IP44 454-465 Aquatec IP44/Diecast IP44 466-481 Iso-Panzer IP44/IP66 482-489 Surface-mounted range Surface-mounted range 490-497 Connector boxes and connecting devices Connecting systems 498-503 Manufacture 504-515 .3/B.1 108-111 B.1 158-191 K.7 Glas Rockers and centre inserts 120-157 Q.5 192-233 Arsys 234-271 Arsys Copper Med 272-275 Inserts for standard/surface ranges Module inserts 24-41 House electronics 42-67 Standard ranges Modul 68-101 S.1/K.7 Glas 115-119 S.7 Surface ranges B