BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Poznámky redaktora
In the event that the term payment is exceeded, the delivery delayed, at the Buyer’s request more than days once the goods are ready for dispatch, the Supplier shall entitled, without the necessity issuing special warning, to charge interest arrears p. However, this shall not before the warranty has elapsed. This does not apply insofar mandatory liability applies cases intent gross negli- gence.General terms and conditions business General Terms and Conditions of Business (status 3/04) (on the basis the ZVEI e. 12. the Supplier allows reasonable exten- sion granted the Supplier lapse without rectifying the defect, the subsequent improvement impossible the Supplier refuses this, the Buyer may assert right to reduce the purchase price. addition these General Terms and Conditions Business apply.g. 7. mandatory legal norms do not allow for this comprehensive exemption from liability for software certain cases, it shall nevertheless remain place for all other cases. Further-reaching claims against the Supplier are excluded. If the Buyer remains arrears respect of honouring its payment obligations, it does not answer questions regarding its creditworthiness, the Supplier reserves the right withdraw from the contract and, if applicable, demand claims for damages as a result non-performance.07. 5. the shipping delayed at the Buyer’s request, for reasons for which the Buyer responsible, the risk shall pass to the Buyer from the day which the goods are ready for dispatch. The Buyer shall only entitled the warranty rights below has met a proper manner the requirement give notice defects incumbent upon the Buyer by way written notification the identified defects, and has returned the Supplier the goods for which complaint has been lodged. The Buyer shall responsible for possible disadvantages suffers result not observing this obligation. General terms and conditions the Buyer shall only apply insofar the Supplier the party rendering the service (hereinafter Supplier) has expressly approved such conditions in writing. Adherence the period conditional the following: the timely receipt all documents, licences and releases obtained by the Buyer; self-deliveries; adherence the terms payment specified the Supplier, and other obligations. this respect the retained payment must commensurate with the respective faults. Passing risk Risk shall also pass the Buyer the case of carriage-paid delivery the goods have been dispatched collected. request the Buyer to disclose the Supplier the amounts and debtors relation the assigned claims, to make available the Supplier without delay all documents required for collection, and inform the debtor writing the assignment. is expressly stated that warranty provided for functions, suitability, usefulness, non- violation other expected characteristics. The period deemed adhered the goods have been dispatched, collected, within the agreed delivery period. general rule the Supplier entitled demand advance payments, securities cash pay- ments insofar considers this necessary. The Supplier reserves the right assert claim the grounds of greater damage. This shall not affect the Supplier’s authority collect such claims. the case all kinds payment the day per- formance shall deemed the day which the Supplier can dispose the amount. shall apply least until expiry of the warranty period for the goods for which a complaint has been lodged.1964 and the Sales Convention 11. The period shall be extended accordingly these basic require- ments are not met good time. 3. Industrial property rights, copyrights 1. These are paid upon issuing the bill exchange the Supplier. Terms and conditions payment Payments are effected within days from the date invoice without any deduc- tion paying agent the Supplier. other respects the case default payment the Supplier shall be en- titled demand the surrender the goods and claim for damages result non- performance. 4. such cases goods that have already been delivered are to returned the Supplier their origi- nal condition. The Supplier informed without delay of any considerable deterioration the financial position (e. 7. Partial deliveries are permitted. Accordingly liability for any kind damage or consequential damage caused the software respect the user third par- ties excluded. 2. Cheques shall only be accepted subject the customary reserva- tions, while bills exchange shall only be accepted following special agreement and if they comply with the acquisition condi- tions the European Central Bank (ECB). If goods are taken back, the Buyer shall bear the risk the receipt the Supplier’s premises. 11. All the parts services whose usefulness is considerably impaired within months, without consideration given the operating period, calculated from the day which the risk passes, result incident prior to the passing risk, are subsequently improved the Supplier’s discretion free of charge, new ones are supplied or new services are rendered. These General Terms and Conditions of Business also apply all future transactions with the Buyer.W. In the case conduct the part the Buyer breach contract, particular in the case default payment, the Supplier shall entitled take back the reserved goods. trade discount shall granted the case of payment within days following the date invoice. the Supplier’s request the Buyer shall under obligation surrender without delay. 2. 591 . Taking goods back and the seizure the reserved goods the Supplier not constitute any kind decla- ration withdrawal. 6. The Buyer undertake all the necessary measures its own cost avoid detri- mental effect the loss the rights to the delivered goods which the Supplier is entitled. Treating and finishing the reserved goods shall carried behalf the Supplier without the Supplier being under obligation. becomes impossible for the Supplier to honour the delivery incumbent upon the Supplier for reasons, which are its responsi- bility, the Buyer shall entitled request as compensation 10% the value of the products that have not been delivered. The liability for defects does not apply to natural wear-and-tear and furthermore not to damage that occurs following the passing of risk result faulty negligent treat- ment, excessive improper use, unsuitable operating resources, faulty construction work and similar external influences that were not presupposed per agreement, and non reproducible software faults. The Buyer’s right assert claims resulting from defects shall any case fall under the statute limitations months from the time notification defects. Impossibility, contractual adjustment 1.00 shall deliver free charge, carriage paid, the receiving station excluding packaging. other respects the regulations of Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker apply insofar they are taken into consideration in respect the safety deliveries or services. Securities The Buyer’s creditworthiness the prerequi- site for obligation deliver. Insofar third party lodges justified claims against the Buyer result viola- tion industrial property right /copyright (hereinafter Copyrights) way products delivered the Supplier and used per agreement, the Supplier shall liable the Buyer follows: a) The Supplier shall, its own discretion, bring about utilisation right for the product, alter the product replace this not possible under reasonable conditions take back the product subject reimbursement of the purchase price. This does not apply insofar manda- tory liability applies law, particular the case intent, gross negligence and the lack of warranted characteristics. The Buyer use its reasonable dis- cretion grant the Supplier appropriate time and opportunity rectify defects. Place jurisdiction Hagen i. 8. the delivery delayed for reasons for which the Buyer responsible, the time agreed upon shall deemed complied with notifica- tion the readiness dispatch. If the non-adherence the period for deli- veries proven attributable force majeure, industrial disputes unforeseeable obstructions, the period shall extended accordingly. These may not be made available third parties without approval the Supplier and request they are returned without delay the order is not placed. the Supplier rendered liable for damage a joint debtor third party for one these reasons, the Buyer irrevocably assumes the liability this point time way internal arrangements. 5. All kinds liability are excluded the case defects software products. This applies accordingly the Buyer’s documents. Further-reaching claims for compensation on the part the Buyer are excluded. Claims the Buyer shall excluded insofar responsible for the violation of an industrial property right such violati- on caused the Buyer’s special parame- ters unforeseeable application alteration or blending with other products. the case of order-related production, excess short deliveries each case 10% are permitted. In the case goods purchased single order excess 1,000. Delivery periods Details the confirmation order are aut- horitative respect the delivery period. the Buyer finishes the goods with other goods that are not the Supplier’s property, the Supplier shall entitled to part-ownership the new item proportion of the value the reserved goods. The Buyer enjoys the non-exclusive right to use standard and individual software with the agreed performance factors unalte- red form the agreed equipment. If agreement reached within this period, the Supplier and Buyer may agree upon an extension this period limitation. The Buyer also entitled collect these claims following such assignment. b) The aforementioned obligation the Supplier shall only apply the Buyer informs the Supplier without delay the claims lodged third parties; does not recognise a violation industrial property rights, and the Supplier reserved the right conduct all defensive measures and hold composition negotiations. This shall not affect the Buyer’s right to withdraw following the lapse reasona- ble extension granted the Supplier. 3. 13. the Buyer provides notification of defects relation the delivered goods or service, this shall only constitute right to retain payment the existence a defect res judicata not disputed by the Supplier. deemed the place general jurisdiction for all disputes resulting directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship. 4. Furthermore the event of enforcement writ respect the Buyer’s assets, composition bankruptcy procee- dings, discontinuation business operations or the transfer business well as seizure, all the Supplier’s accounts receivable shall fall due without delay. 2. The warranty period for subsequent improvements and replacement deliveries is 3 months. Other claims for damages The following claims for damages lodged by the Buyer are excluded: claims the grounds positive breach contract, vio- lation obligations the case contractu- al negotiations and the basis unlawful acts. The Buyer may only set off undisputed res judicata claims against the Supplier’s claims.V. The Buyer may not assign make this soft- ware available third parties for use. The Supplier reserves unrestricted ownership and copyright utilisation rights cost esti- mates, drawings and other offer documents (hereinafter Documents). 2. the event sale of the new items, the Buyer hereby assigns to the Supplier its claims and accessory rights resulting from such sale for safety’s sake. In the case such order excess of € 2,500. This does not apply insofar as mandatory liability applies accordance with the Product Liability Act, with the restriction accordance with sub-section 7, or cases intent, gross negligence the lack warranted characteristics 10. 8.a.00 shall deliver free charge, carriage-paid, the receiving station including packaging. re- fuses this the Supplier shall re- leased from the liability for defects.04. 9. The Buyer ward off inform the Supplier without delay cases sei- zure other intervention third parties. 6. Reservation title The delivery items (reserved goods) shall remain the Supplier’s property until all the claims against the Buyer which is entitled from the business association are met. recommendation conditions) 1. If the Buyer third parties carry out impro- per alterations repair work, warranty shall apply these and the consequences resulting from them. The Buyer may only sell the reserved goods, regardless their condition, resellers duri- ng the ordinary course business subject to the proviso that not arrears with pay- ments due the Supplier and that assigns to the Supplier this point time claims, including all accessory rights, which is entitled from such sale. The Buyer may also demand conversion agreement n respect abatement not reached between the Buyer and Supplier. If the goods are combined blended with other items, the Buyer shall assign the Supplier this point time its property or co-ownership rights the new items. 10. Insofar parts proven to have been procured from the Supplier contained defects prior the passing of risk, the Supplier shall liable the Buyer as follows: 1. Payment arrears payment by bill exchange rule out the deduction of trade discount. enforcement writ, discontinuation payment, composition, bankruptcy, discontinuation business ope- rations, the transfer business, seizure or the transfer goods, inventories outstan- ding items guarantee). In the event that the agreed extended delivery period not adhered to, the Buyer may, insofar furnishes proof that has suffered damage result the delay, demand compensation for delayed perfor- mance for each full week delay from _% to total the value the part of the delivery that delivered late. Discount charges, fees and tax notes and bills exchange shall borne the Buyer. above the respective main refinancing rate the ECB from the due date, least, however, amounting each case the interest rates charged major Rhine-Westphalian banks for unsecured credits.1980 shall not applied. However, these may be made available third parties whom the Supplier permitted and intends assign deliveries. Binding force contract Even the case the legal invalidity of individual items, the binding force the contract shall further apply the other items of the contract. such case the Supplier shall under obligation to bring about the insurance policies requested by Buyer the Buyer’s cost. Further-reaching claims the part the Buyer against the Supplier and its vicarious agents are excluded, particular claims for compensation damage not caused the delivery item. shall store these with commercial diligence on behalf the Supplier. German law applies the contractual rela- tions. Liability for defects The Supplier guarantees that the sold goods do not contain defects the time the passing risk. The Hague Convention 01. Prices The prices are stated euros. The assignment of such claims restricted the amount all the claims which the Supplier entitled resulting from the business association. the reque- st, and cost, the Buyer, the Supplier shall insure the consignment against customary transport risks. Shipping shall carried out according the Buyer’s instructions according the Supplier’s best judgement without responsibility for the most cost-effective forwarding. Prior this pledging ownership transfer way security are prohibited. Insofar events outside the Supplier’s sphere influence considerably change the economic significance the content the delivery, have effect the Supplier’s operations, the Supplier shall entitled to withdraw from the contract adjust the contact agreement with the Buyer. They are ex works prices and exclude packaging and are construed plus the respective valid statutory value added tax. General provisions The written declarations both parties are deemed authoritative respect the scope of the deliveries services (hereinafter Deliveries). 9