BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Poznámky redaktora
g. % Brick, pressboard panels approx. 100 m > m > m Level floor Transmitter Receiver N Funk-Schaltaktor 1Kanal Up 0179 BU LBN BK ON/OFF AC 230V~ 50Hz 1000 W Prog.2 mm2 per channel. This reception interference often occurs due partitioning, obliteration reflection the radio signal, familiar from car radios and mobile phones for example.5 mm2 110 mm Mounting height Mounting height m > m > m approx.g. Wall niches, particular, should avoided. The state completion the building should taken into account, e. „ not install transmitters and receivers behind metallic conductive surfaces, e. Funk-Sender 2Kanal UP 0124 Schalter Taster/ Jalousie K2 K1 AB AUS AUF EIN L NAB μ Receiver Receiver Effective wall thickness 24 cm Effective wall thickness 55 cm Transmitter High attenuation Low attenuation Receiver Transmitter Shadowing receiver Receiver Receiver mind. „ The distance large metal surfaces, e.10 W 433. All radio telegrams the Radio Bus system are understood, but only the taught-in ones are amplified.g.2 m In every property which the Radio Bus installed there are favourable and unfavourable locations for the installation appliances. - horizontal distance interfering objects from any point along the straight-line transmitter receiver path m. Radio signal amplifier If link subject high degree attenuation, the 100 metre radio range insufficient, rendering transmission the radio signals impossible, radio signal amplifier can installed around half range repeater. ALL OFF central shutter control) should also placed central location whenever possible. 0. Maintain minimum distance of 50 these units wherever possible. % Metal, metal grilles, aluminium laminations approx. „ Radio telegrams within "radio zone" should only repeated using radio signal amplifier otherwise telegram superimposition can occur.6 m 0. 017709 230 V~, 50/60 Hz approx. „ Computers, audio/video systems, microwaves electronic transformers and ballasts are high-frequency interference sources. „ The connecting cables for the radio push-button interface may only extended to maximum using twisted pair cables with cross-section of approx. „ not shorten, extend strip the aerials they are precisely co-ordinated the wavelength the signal frequency. „ far possible all transmitter and receiver aerials should aligned vertically or horizontally. „ Transmitters receivers which handle centralised tasks building-wide (e.0 m 0. % „ The link between the transmitter and the receiver should chosen such that it runs for short distance possible through masonry other attenuating materials.4 m 0.g. Cascading radio signal amplifiers not possible. Consequently, the following criteria should taken into account planning and installation: Distance from inter- fering objects Distance from inter- fering objects Technical data Power supply unit Standby power consumption Transmission frequency Transmission range Transmission power R&TTE approval (for and EFTA states) Radio codes (assigned once per channel) Number radio codes (channels) amplify Radio interference suppression Operating temperature Index protection Terminals Dimensions H) Radio signal amplifier order no. „ Damp ceiling and walls, snow outdoor areas, severely attenuates or reflects radio signals. metal doors and frames, aluminium blinds metal cupboards should large possible (several decimetres). „ reception irregular, often sufficient move the transmitter receiver by just few centimetres. „ Windows with heat insulating glass based metal insulation severely attenuate or reflect radio signals. Remedy: possible lead the aerial through the material. „ prevent superimposition telegrams, radio actuators may not used to actuate any other radio transmitters.5 m 1.8 m 0. radio headphones radio telephones.T49 „ Penetration radio signals Material Penetration Wood, plaster, unlaminated glass approx. „ Radio reception can checked any time prior installation using transmitter and receiver.5 mm2 or 1. 20 cm Metal Prog Prog ON/OFF Antenne N 1 L Funk-Schaltaktor Eb 0125 AC 230 V~ 10A μ 110 94 Radio signal amplifier N Antenne OFFON 0177 09 38 Radio bus Planning tips . 100 (free field) < mW Yes > billion 60 according 55015 -20 °C IP20 Screw-type terminals for max. can amplify transmission channels.42 MHz, (ASK) max. The signal amplifier should minimum distance from transmitters and receivers prevent overloads. „ more than radio presence detectors should used within "radio zone". borderline cases the selection of the installation location can decisive determining the proper functioning radio link.g. anti-static floor, insulation with metal laminating, cable lines, metal louvered ceilings, panels containing carbon fibres, hot water heaters, electric underfloor heating systems etc. Free field definition Preconditions for measurement the free field range - level floor. 1. „ The mounting height transmitters and receivers should not below cm. % Rain, snow approx. The Radio Bus planning instructions must followed Dependence transmission range mounting height Theoretical transmission range 100 m 56 m 34 m 28 m 23 m 18 m 13 m Receiver mounting height > m 1. Unfavourable links running diagonally through the entire building should avoided. „ The radio presence detector may only operated with alkaline batteries, they are the only ones with sufficient pulse current carrying capacity. - damp ground. „ The distance between transmitters and receivers should least and at least between receivers. If there constant presence the detection range, the telegram frequency could result telegram superimposition the radio channel. - optimum alignment aerial (stretched out straight). That say, radio signal amplifiers not amplify radio telegrams from other radio signal amplifiers. dryness plaster and floor paving presence doors and cladding. - height transmitter/receiver metres above the floor. % Reinforced concrete approx. „ minimum distance should maintained radio components other function groups, e. 2