BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

Strana 562 z 616

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1 smoke detector that detects the smoke triggers the alarm signal all other smoke detectors. close windows ventilation flues – close fluorescent energy saving lamps whose electric fields can trigger false alarms (minimum distance cm) – Corners (e.1: – Protection the entire living area means several wireless networked smoke detectors – The mounting distance e. Product characteristics The RM..g.1: – front bedrooms for waking case smoke alarm – the hallway each floor Optimal protection means RM. – Works according the scattered light principle (Tyndall effect). when smouldering or open fires first start.: 0191 51) – Radio networking module (Order No. Optional functional expansion Modules that can inserted the smoke detector are available for expanding functions – Relay module (Order No. When the measuring chamber once again free smoke, the alarm reset. This means that you will woken networked smoke detector your bedroom night another smoke detector detects smoke. (minimum distance walls corners cm) – rooms with height exceeding m – rooms with temperatures below -10 above +60 °C Specification RM. m) max.: 0191 50) 1 Relay module 2 Radio networking module 3 Socket board 33 16V NA iS TQ2 SA- 6V ATQ 202 SA JAP AN 105 17 * 1 2 3 Figure Modules for functional expansion the RM. case of fire, smoke-free air can accumulate there and prevent the smoke from being detected. corners rooms roof gables) near walls.1 .g. The smoke thus detected triggers the alarm. – Loud integrated Piezo siren – smoke build-up measured and the automatic self-test function executed 40-second cycle – manual test any time means light guide rod test button with LED display – manual mute the alarm means light guide rod test button – 24-hours alarm memory for indicating triggered smoke alarm on the detector question – operation means power pack battery (supplied) – battery power loss signalled for least days recurring beep every seconds and flashing LED. Installation Installation location – the ceiling – near possible the centre the room – Within acoustic range all occupants Unsuitable installation locations Installation locations listed the following can lead false alarms or malfunctions the smoke detector. 0191 09 Operating voltage Power pack battery V= Signal tone distance Piezo, dB(A) Monitoring area (installation height max. If smoke enters the measuring chamber, the light beams are scattered by the suspended particles smoke and deflected the photo- receiver.. – Detection the slightest smoke emission e.T45 Smoke detectors RM. long hallways should not longer than between two smoke detectors.g. °C Recommended usage period max. years Protection class IP43 VdS approval 203023 Dimensions with socket 100 mm Smoke detector RM. m2 Operating temperature -10 .1 Planning examples Minimum protection Optimal protection 1 Attic 2 Bedroom 3 Hallway 4 Living room 5 Kitchen 6 Cellar 7 Garage 1 2 4 4 7 5 5 6 2 22 3 3 Figure Minimum and optimal protection houses and flats Minimum protection means RM.g. – rooms with high levels steam, dust smoke, such kitchen, bathroom, garage, workshop stables – close fireplaces and open chimneys – places where draughts may keep smoke away from the smoke detector, e. When smoke detected, the RM.1 smoke detector [0191 09] Function How optical smoke detectors work 1 Photo receiver 2 Opto transmitter 2 1 Figure Smoke detectors normal status 2 Photo receiver 2 Opto transmitter 3 Smoke 4 Light guide rod (LED) 3 4 Figure Smoke detector smoke entry In normal status, the opto transmitter emits light beams into the measuring chamber.1 smoke detector has been designed domestic smoke detector, for use self-contained living areas such flats and single family houses well boats caravans/mobile homes.1 smoke detector Order no