BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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The use of innovations and new technologies at Hageris always customer-driven. Every year, Hager evaluatesthousands of its customer contacts, resulting in detailedknowledge of its customers’needs in order to workefficiently and successfully.

Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

Strana 544 z 616

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Poznámky redaktora
sec. Parallel circuit with automatic staircase lighting switch remote control switch Lighting switched automatic units or controller controller system. N L Suppressor Order no. When switching back on, "S1" activates a switching operation the controller for the pre-set delay time. "S2" does not, only the load is switched off.g. Switch off Using "S1" "S2" switch. activates a non-brightness-dependent switching operation for the pre-set delay time. Auto/manual operation with series switch S1 open, open: all off. 0123 L N Auto manual mode with 3-step switch 1 Controller operation 2 All Off 3 CONTINUOUS ON N L S L N 1 3 Controller Installation instructions . Pressing the "T" (NCC) push-button once for min. N L T N L L N L N L N Operation relay or contact maker For potential-free NOC and NC and increase switching capacity. Changeover switching Existing changeover switches can be replaced push-button "T" (NCC). Multiple controllers controller systems one consumer Pressing the push-button "T" NCC for min. S1 closed, closed: CONTINUOUSLY ON S1 closed open: controller operation. activates a non-brightness-dependent switching operation for the set delay time. N L S1 S2N L T N L T T N L S N L S S1 S2 N L T N L S S L N L N L N L N With push-button (NCC) Pressing the "T" push-button NCC for min. Operation timer flash relay Extension the delay time or operation clock relay (e. activates a non-brightness-dependent switching operation for the set delay time. sec. When the controller switched on and CONTINUOUSLY set, the neon lamp unit lit. Controller CONTINUOUSLY ON The "S" switch allows changing over between controller operation and CONTINUOUSLY ON. N L T L N L N L N L N Switch-on timer Timer programmed switch-on the controller.T27 Connection diagrams Controllers/controller system power pack 230 V By combining controllers/controller systems with push-buttons switches, different switching variants can implemented Controller (control) / CONTINUOUSLY ON The "S" switch allows changing over between controller operation and CONTINUOUSLY ON. for flash circuit). Controller CONTINUOUSLY ON changeover switching The "S" switch allows changing over between controller operation and CONTINUOUSLY ON. sec