BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Poznámky redaktora
Some important uses this are safety and monitoring energy consumption. Illuminated light switches not only offer effective guidance. Insert here. the case of splash-protected surface-mounted units the illumination cannot always upgraded! Monitoring and indicator lamps such as neon units and neon lamps wired parallel with the switching contact lead the contact opening distance not being reached.8 mm.T3 red L 3036 11 mm red 3036 red L 3036 11 mm red L 3036 11 mm red 3036 red 3036 Front view Rear viewRear view Front view Front view Rear view L N L N L N L N L N L N L L Illuminated rocker switches Tool sizes for BERKER products with combination cross-head slotted screws fixings: - Cross-head bits, Type: Pozidriv®size 1. S.3/B. When using cordless screwdrivers, setting 1st gear, speed 0.1/B. Detachable contact lug. With installation switches from the BERKER range there is no problem this respect, the neon lamp units are easily retrofitted and ensure the same illumination effect. Used monitoring switches, they indicate active consumers.1/B.1/B.1/B. (for application see wiring diagrams).3/B. Switch-off Permanently lit with change-over switch (Neon lamp unit permanently lit) Remove detachable contact lug from neon lamp unit Switch-off Illuminated with change-over switch (Neon lamp unit lit when "Off") Switch-off Monitoring with change-over switch (Neon lamp unit lit when "On") Remove detachable contact lug from neon lamp unit Neon and glow lamp units are available for light switches/push-buttons programmes S. The neon lamp unit can be inserted from the front and replaced without removing the switch. - Cross-head screwdriver: Type: Pozidriv®size 2. N-terminal Contact springs for easy snap-in mounting.1, Arsys, K.1, K.3/B.7 rocker with red lens for illuminated switches monitoring switches. Used control switch, shows the loads switched for each series.1/B.5 and Arsys, the series LED unit with N-terminal available. Control series switch red Rockers switch (series) 3035 303550 Switching symbol 3035 red L N Connection series control (Series LED unit 1680 lights per series when "On") Snap series LED unit from the rear. Workplace Regulations The German Workplace Regulations ("ArbStattV") stipulate that existing installations must also converted to illuminated light switches.7 Glas, Modul Q. - Slotted screwdriver: Type: blade thickness 0. Not least, they help conserve energy and maintain security. - Slotted screwdriver: Type: blade thickness mm.7 Glas, Modul K. Same neon lamp unit for illuminated switches and monitoring switches. Control switching for series rockers switches 3035 Switch lighting . Contact screws: - Cross-head bits, Type: Pozidriv®size 2.5, splash-protected flush-mounted IP44, Aquatec and ISO Panzer. For series light switches the ranges S. - Cross-head screwdriver: Type: Pozidriv®size 1.5 Nm.1/B.1, K