BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

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Poznámky redaktora
3. Once ordering has taken place, the selected labelling and symbols can longer changed, because printing carried‚ out only once the time of production. If, however, this still not sufficient meet your customer's wishes, then Berker Manufacture what you need. This how simple is: Complete planning for installation • Come final decision the functions for each control panel Create individual design using the Web Configurator www. CUSTOMISED The Sensor can designed multitude ways meet even the most varied customer needs. 1. 304 . This concept means, however, that the planned functions for each control panel must defined in cooperation with the customer before • Fill the layout template with symbols/lettering • Agree upon design with the customer • Save the design the Berker server Order the sensor • Berker sends design number • Place order with wholesaler MANUFACTURE The Web Configurator already offers wide range customisation options. this location they are optimally protected against dirt, wear and damage. For further information, please contact your regional sales representative. far is technically feasible, the Berker Sensor can manufactured with customised printing any RAL colour, even with logos drawings background. 2.berker. Only the colours the LEDs are predefined for technical reasons.Information for ordering and use Berker Sensor DESIGN POSSIBILITIES BASIC The product variants the Berker Sensor can ordered catalogue model with no printing with choice three background colours: polar white, aluminium and black. The innovative product concept enables the reverse the glass plate printed with lettering and symbols indicate the operating functions