The use of innovations and new technologies at Hageris always customer-driven. Every year, Hager evaluatesthousands of its customer contacts, resulting in detailedknowledge of its customers’needs in order to workefficiently and successfully.
Poznámky redaktora
3 and B. Frames and other devices: from page 116
S.The square design conceals modular system structure.1: white, glossy, polar white, matt/glossy.1/B.1/B.1: polar white, matt, anthracite, matt, aluminium, matt lacquered. All rockers and centre inserts shown on
the following pages are colour-matched and compatible with the frames the Berker S.3/B.
Frames and other devices: from page 108
Surface range B.7: glass/polar white polar white, matt/glossyglass/black anthracite, matt,
glass/aluminium aluminium, matt.
Frames and other devices: from page 102
Surface range B.1,
B.3: aluminium/polar white polar white, matt/glossy, aluminium/anthracite –
anthracite, matt.7 Glas
Rockers and centre inserts
. Frames and other devices: from page 112
Surface range B.
We recommend the following colour combinations (Frames rockers/centre inserts):
Standard range S.7 Glas switch ranges.1, B. For you the advantages are twofold: wide product range with
minimal stockholding