BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

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Poznámky redaktora
Mostly, softw are problem can elim inated reinitialization the device. 23.: +49 (0) 2871 93-555 08/ 2012 . case lts ith regard correct functioning, gran rra onths. Warranty Terms The 750 subje string ent quality testing. anufacturing lts aterial defects shall be elim inated free charge far the device show alfunction ith external influe nce and returned itho having been opened. not use any cleaning agents, abra sives solvents. Calibration A ccording DIN 0701 -0702, the follow ing shall apply 1st June 2008: "T easuring instru ents used for periodic testing shall tested and calibrated regularly. First, check all cable conn ections and check hether the device supplied properly. T hese devices ust not disposed via the dom estic aste egarding the return aste elec­ trical and lectronic equipm ent, please contact our ervice team (for the address, see chap ter 24). ages caused falls incorrect use are excluded from arranty. Product Support P lease contact the expert personnel the supp lier anu facturer for furth inform ation. 23. Maintenance Calibration Maintenance T device does not require any special aintenance.BENNING 22. com liance ith 2002/96/E and the erm ktro lectri­ cal and lectronic quipm ent Act), ark our electrical and lectronic devices (as 8/2005) ith the sym bol show the right according DIN 50419. For cleaning, use sligh tly oistened cloth. ­ ever, case alfunctions occurring, itch the device (if necessary).d e BENNING Helpdesk phone no. E xce for specific calibration intervals, the device does not require any special aintenance.1 Repair and Spare Parts Service In case need, please contact our roduct upp ort team (see chap ter 24, rod uct upport")." Feel free ake intm ent ith for testing and calibrating your testers. itch the device again. 135/137 D 46397 Bocholt Phone: +49 (0) 2871 93-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2871 93-429 W ebsite: enning. BENNING Eiektrotechnik Eiektronik GmbH KG M ünsterstr. his device not subject to the irective. Return and Environm entally Sound Disposal T device considered prod uct category onitoring and control instrum ents) de­ fined the erm ktro lectrical and lectronic quipm ent Act). 24. Phone: +49 (0) 2871 93-555 For our address, please refer chap ter 24, rod uct upport". lease ake sure the surface clean