BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 23 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
. for unobstructed view conditions dimensions/weight 150 mm/350 g scope ofdelivery case, protective rubber holster, module/ambient temperature sensor, battery set, USB cable, download software CD-ROM item no.t 15 Insolation and temperature measuring instrument BENNING SUN 2 die ....... M rin tio s >insolation measurement W/m2or BTU/h/ft2 >dual-channel temperature sensor for measuring the module temperature and the ambient temperature >digital compass for determining the cardinal direction >inclinometer for determining the module/roof pitch BENNING v R Features BENNING SUN 2 Wireless SUN Link • universal 4-in-1 measuring instrument for all testing and maintenance work well for economic efficiency analysis • temperature-compensated reference cell for precise in­ solation measurement • precise temperature measurement means high-preci­ sion sensors • data logger for 5000 data records, including insolation and module/ambient temperature • integrated real-time clock with date/time stamp • USB interface and download software for the preparation of test certificates Excel® • data logger with energy-saving stand-by mode • shock-absorbing protective rubber holster R adio rfa ire SUN ”_______________ • wireless transmission insolation, module temperature and ambient temperature including date/time stamp the BENNING 1-1 W r Insolation, angle ofinclination and compass bearing Wireless transmission ofmeasuring data (alternativelyimport ofmeasuring data means ofdate/time stamp) BENNING SUN 2 In tio and rin tru t otnmmu SUN2 display graphic display insolation 100 1250 W/m2 PVmodule/ambient -30 °Cto +125 °C temperature compass bearing (orientation) 0° 360° angle ofinclination 0° 80° measurement real-time clock date/time stamp measured value memory 5000 data records for insolation and temperature interface/radio range USB/approx.... 050420 Insolation, PVmodule/ambient temperature ■-Ti+f......with digital compass and inclinometer BENNING SUN 2 In tio and rin tru t fo sys and syste s__________ Ideal for the planning, commissioning tests and periodic inspection grid-connected systems according to VDE 0126-23 well for testing solar thermal systems.iüLAiiw..ilifr'-' scope delivery ....