BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 200 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
The testing volta adjustable. elete the m easured value pressing <Reset>. For this purpose, conn ect the cable the yello (probe) and scan all cond uctive parts of the test sam ple eans the safe probe tip ttention! 500 i). pressing the <Pause> button, is possible interru easurem ent e. T insulating resistance has easured betw een: the protective cond uctor (accessible metal parts hich are connected the protective conductor, protection class and the active cond uctors ains supply unit) the cce ssible cond uctive parts hich are not connected the protective cond uctor (protection classes III) and the active cond uctors ains supply unit) the patie conn ections applied parts and the active cond uctors ains supply unit) all patient conn ections applied parts type and the protective earth device protection class I all patient conn ections applied parts type and acce ssible cond uctive parts hich are not connected earth) for devices protection classes and II after repair odification betw een the active parts ELV PELV circuit and the active parts of the prim ary circuit for active parts ith SELV PELV protective easures (safety extra -lo voltage) accessible cond uctive parts.g. The test sam ple ust free external volta (disco nnected from the ains).2 Insu latio eas rem (In latin esistan ce) INSU T his function intended easure the insulating resistance default, easurem ent is m ade ith 500 direct volta (DC) and testing curren according DIN 0701-0702 and 0751-1. For test sam les ith acce ssible cond uctive parts hich are not connected the protective con­ ductor), the test ust carried out eans the additional test cable and the safety probe tip. the test cable ith the alligator clip can connected to another easuring point ith resulting incorrect easurem ents indications. necessary, use the easuring jacks and hich are connected in parallel the "test socket". provide better ove rvie for setting, the insulation can selected from three m enus lnsu 3). onn ect the ains plug the "te socket" of the appliance tester. A Attention! Pressing the se> button will stop the easurem ent.BENNING A D uring easurem ent, ove the ains conn ection cable sections over the hole length. A Please ensure proper contact between the alligator clip and the etal parts! Please observe also for manual testing with DC, that easurem ent ade both directions (+/-)! —►The valu isplayed! 10. For therm reasons, the easurem ent lim ited to 5 seco nds the device electronics. For this, contacts of itches, relays and controlling eans active cond uctors ust closed onitoring the entire sam ple and not only the supply line). for devices containing heating e lem ents ith pow 3.5 the value falls below the lim iting value, the device still shall be considered proper condition long the lim iting value for the protective cond uctor current 1. During the pause, the test socket will rem ain live! Note: resistance changes are detected during ovem ent, can assum that the protective conductor dam aged proper condition connecting point. case of anual easurem ent ith testing curren 200 DC, the duration the easurem ent depe nds hen the rt" buttons are actu ated