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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 191 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
measuring spec./ limiting Values".1"Limiting Values'1)! A modification the system limiting values will affect only manual measurements / tests.4 atab ase ettin gs Under "Database Settings", test results, customer data, test sample data well measured value data are managed.2 reating odifying Test rocedures Go the ert ettin menu create, modify delete customized test proce­ dures. The pro res redefined can odified! Editing the system limiting values Editing customized test procedures Defining the test company person Updating the firmware System Reset The expert setting function can only accessed means password. Customized test procedures are stored the memory card. settin system lim iting valu ill rem ain valid perm anently! The delivery condition the limiting values complies with the currently applicable VDE regulations! The factory settings are listed chapter 20.1 under "acc. Then, select sto and <Test . Creates new database.5 ettin gs In the expert settings, the following subitems can edited: <S ystem Lim its>: <Test rocedures>: <Test y/P erso >: < irm pdate>: <S ystem Reset>: The ystem Lim its> are identical the limiting values. System limiting values are / stored permanently, whereas limiting values are only stored until switch-off (see chapter 7.2. 7.5. For this purpose, suc­ cessively select the following: etu ert ettin ystem Lim its> A 7. Setting can done from the start menu. 7. A new test sample created within the selected database. For information how edit database, please refer chapter 14 "Database". 08/ 2012 58 .1 ystem Lim iting Values The factory settings the system limiting values can modified.5. A new customer created within the selected database. The device delivered with the password (see chapter 7.BENNING BENNING 750 A 7. < isp lay easured alues>: < atabase>: < ustom er>: < Test Sam ple>: Displays the measured values the selected test sample.4, "Entering Password"). Already existing customized test procedures can copied, modified saved un­ der another name. Go atab select the database you want edit