Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...
Poznámky redaktora
RPE VDE 751 resistance racablelength and1.3 ystem ettin ge
Select etu yetem ttirg modify and perm anently save the baud rate, parity, data
bits and stop bits e. For this purpose, successively
select the following: etu itin alu es>.2 "Factory Settings, Setup, Limiting Values". The setting will remain valid
until ains itch ff! For each restart, the 750 Appliance Tester will reset to
the factory settings! The factory settings the limiting values comply with the applicable regu
lations and can taken from chapter 20.
If desired, the factory settings the limiting values can changed. output voltage for PELV SELV devices
= simple line length
= cross-sectional area the conductor
= conductor quantity (for total length)
7.5 line length
Line Ipegth tetellenjjth tta deeicesupply 1iee
Rross-eectioe ogoss-sectienal sreaof the deeice supply line
ILeak data (leak rre easurem ent):
R data sulation t):
RInsu-1 VDE 701-702 =
Rlcsa-1 DDE701-Dt2h eatingelcments n
RInnu-h lesu-hC 701-702 =
RInnu-h VRE C-l-C-e (S7LV/PELVt =
RInnu-e 751 =
RInnu-h VRE C-1 =
RInnu-h VRE Cd1 =
^ ltage for primary =
^ ltage for secondary =
Tenting voltage fot otimoty pecondary =
insulating resistance primary PE
insulating resistance primary PE
innu|otins ten^ onae oeeendaiy primary secondary
innu|otins ten^ onae otimofy (SELV devices)
innu|otins tenintonae |ofin^^roftgP E
innulotins tenintonae oeeendao toPE
innu|otins tenintonae operimar° applied part
tenfing noifepe forp/imara Po
tenfing toitage foraeoooderefy oE
tentins voltose fot pfims|•y necondary
IA CaCa (alte tiv iea kage curiaent rem eet):
IPE VDE 701-702 protection class I
ILeakVDE 701-702 protectionclass II
|LDakV 75'l protectienclasr |
ILnrk VVD E51 ^otectior clacs i
PntienteeDkEçje currertBF
Pntient leDkEgecurrent CF
= alternative leakage current
a alternctiea learage current accessible parts
= o|tetnotive |eokose auttent
= o|tetnotive |eokose auttent oaaennic|e oorrn
= oltematiee patted loslrage anrrent applied part, type BF
= o|tetnotive patientleaPpae oornaatr^t cppliot part, type CF
IPE VDE 701-702 protection class I
ILeak VDE 701-702 protection class II
ILeak VDE 751 protection class I
ILeak VDE 751 protection class I
Patient leakage current BF
Patient leakage current CF
= leakage current
= leakage current accessible parts
= leakage current
= leakage current accessible parts
= patient leakage current applied part, type BF
= patient leakage current applied part, type CF
IC ata (co rre easurem ent):
ICont VDE 701-702 contact current PE
Functional data (fu ctio easurem ent):
IPE VDE 701-702 leakage current (differential current measurement)
ICont VDE 701-702 contact current (differential current measurement)
IPE VDE 751 leakage current (differential current measurement)
ICont VDE 751 contact current (differential current measurement)
Ua ata rem evices):
= max.
R ata (resistan rem the condu ctor):
RPE VDE 701-702 resistance for cable length and1.
In the "Limiting Values Setup" menu, the deviating value will highlighted red colour. Setting can
be done from each start menu and from each measuring type menu.g...
Select the desired tab, select the value and press (display input key
board opens).04
Initializing program . output voltage
C data (cable easurem ent):
Line length
Conductor qty.BENNING BENNING 750 A
7. Return to
the start menu pressing ext> ave> <Yes> ack>.
see chapter 18
< arco can er>
The following fields are released for the user:
- setting baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits
<R eader>
The following fields are released for the user:
- setting baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits
<P >
The following fields are released for the user:
- setting baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits
08/20VV /58
.2 Lim iting alues
VDEAppliance Tester
Version 1.5mm2
RPE per line length additionalresistance per7. for barcode scanners, FID readers, PCs and printers. Delete and correct the old value eans the lear> <<-->