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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 184 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
easurem ent is ade betw een the protective cond uctor and all acce ssible cond uc­ tive parts connected the protective cond uctor (with autom atic polarity reversal auto atic ode!). Equipment Characteristics Tests The 750 ppliance Tester can used for the follow ing tests: Type measurement compliance with M protective conductor resistance ith DC (continuously) ith (tem orarily sec). DIN 0701-0702 DIN 0751-1 08/ 2012 . DIN 0701-0702 DIN 0751-1 M easurem ent the insulating resistance L/N ith 500 DC (voltage adju stable!); also insulating resistance betw een prim ary and seco ndary side active parts devices ith SELV PELV volta ges as ell edical electrical devices ith patient conn ections ap­ plied parts. DIN 0701-0702 DIN 0751-1 M protective conductor current, (leakage cur­ rents), easurem ent the protective cond uctor curren and leakage curren for devices protection classes ith acce ssible con­ ductive parts hich are not connected the protective conductor; by m eans the differential current, direct current altern ative leakage curren easurem ent ethod ith external curren easuring clam (with auto atic polarity reversal auto atic mode!) DIN 0701-0702 M easurem ent the contact current devices protection classes I ith acce ssible cond uctive parts hich are not connected the protective conductor; eans the differential current, direct current or altern ative leakage curren easurem ent ethod ith external curren easuring clam p DIN 0701-0702 DIN 0701-240 (previous VDE regulation) M device leakage current (leakage currents), ea­ surem ent the protective cond uctor curren and leakage curren for devices protection classes ith accessible cond uctive parts w hich are not connected the protective conductor; device leakage curren leakage curren edical electrical devices applied parts of type and eans the direct curren easurem ent al­ terna tive leakage current easurem ent ethod ith external current m easuring clam (with auto atic polarity reversal auto atic ode!) DIN 0751-1 M patient leakage current (leakage current) r m edical electrical devices applied parts type and CF; by m eans the direct current easurem ent and altern ative leakage cur­ rent easurem ent ethod.BENNING 4. DIN 0751-1 Functional test after successful testing; indication ains volta and curren (differential curren easurem ent), fault current, effective pow er and appa rent power