Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...
Poznámky redaktora
Do not open the appliance tester. case fault current mA, the device will switched off within 100
to 200 ms. Safe operation can assumed
to longer possible, if
- the device exhibits visible damage,
- the device longer works,
- the device has been stored under unfavourable conditions for longer period time,
- the device has been exposed extraordinary stress during transport. Connect the device only single-phase mains with 230 Hz
and pre-fuse For information about the admissible load the test socket, please refer to
chapter ("Technical Data"). For operation the "test
socket", the protective conductor the device input looped through. Please observe the corre
sponding operating maintenance manuals the devices test samples tested /
to connected. Before commissioning the appliance tester, thoroughly read and adhere the
instructions contained this operating manual!
A lease keep erating anu later use!
Electrical safety tests electrical appliances must carried out qualified electricians under
their responsibility only. preserve this condition and ensure
safe operation the device, the user must absolutely observe the notes and warnings given this
operating manual. When the thermal fuse triggered, can only reset switching off the
test device. Improper handling and non-observance the warnings might involve severe
injuries danger life. The device outputs are not
intended for permanent operation, but only for short-time tests!
Before commissioning, always check the device well all cables for damages.
Please observe that working live parts and electrical components all kinds dan
gerous! Even low voltages and may dangerous human life!
This device must operated qualified electricians "electrotechnically trained
persons" under responsibility qualified electrician only. The protective conductor is
intended for measuring earth. also possible operate
the device with your fingers.
In case fault, the fault will indicated the display. Only use the input stylus provided another blunt pen. Measurement will inter
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. The device complies with protection class II.
Symbols used this operating manual and the device:
Attention! Danger! Please observe documentation!
Warning dangerous voltage
Note observed imperatively
(DC), direct voltage current
(AC), alternating voltage current
Switch ON/OFF
SD memory card
USB interface
RS232 interface
Bluetooth connection
Complying with directives
A All technical information and standards quoted correspond the status the time of
printing and have been determined the best knowledge. not touch the display with edged objects and not apply pressure to
the display.
The device has been built and tested accordance with the applicable regulations (see chapter 2)
and has left the factory perfectly safe technical condition.BENNING BENNING 750 A
If can assumed that safe operation longer possible, switch the device off im
mediately and secure against unintended operation. The device must used dry rooms only. afe Instru ctions
This operating manual contains information which necessary ensure proper operation the
appliance tester.
A testin rre rovisions, reg latio and stan ard shall be
au ritative.
For device protection and for functional testing, the measuring voltages are monitored.
A The BENNING 750 Appliance Tester must operated with earthed mains only!
For all work carried out with the device, the respective applicable accident prevention
regulations the industrial professional associations for electrical equipment must be
observed. does not contain any components which can be
repaired the user. Repair and service must carried out qualified personnel only!
Please use only the original measuring lines provided corresponding safety mea
suring accessories!
Attention! Dangerous voltages might occur during insulation testing (RISO)