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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 151 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
14:lifecycle costs(totalcostofownership) Total cost nership (TCO)________________________ Total cost ownership depends capital and operating costs well installation, footprint and maintenance costs. 17:ENERTRONICmodularwithnearunitypowerfactorand 5 THDiavoidsexpensiveoversizingofGen-sets Unity power factor and low THDi______________________ The harmonic pollution (THDi) the input current tradi­ tional UPS with 6-pulse thyristor rectifiers about %. Fig.4 times the rating of the UPS output power.511 of CO2emissions. In comparison traditional UPS systems the advanced modular hot-plug design ENERTRONIC modular UPS systems results lower operation, installation, upgrade and maintenance costs. Savings electrical energy 16556 kWh CO2Emission 8510 (8. 16:High financialflexibility- payasyougrow Pow upgrade________________________________________ Compared with traditional UPS systems the scalability of ENERTRONIC modular UPS systems allows the output power to grow in-line with increasing demand. During the entire life-cycle, power capacity upgrading keeps the cost ownership low.51 t) Fig. With 12-pulse thyristor rectifiers Gen-sets need 2. Operating costs can optimised if each the parallel redundant power modules delivers bet­ ween and 100 their nominal output power. ENERTRONIC modular UPS systems with their „clean input“ (THDi require Gen-sets with only 1. Power [kVA] ENERTRONIC modular installed power 5x20 4x20______ _ 6x20 I n Fig. The identical load for both systems is 50 kVA (0. Annual savings electrical energy are 16560 kWh and 8. the­ refore important pay attention the UPS system efficiency under partial load conditions. shows annual savings electrical energy and CO2 emissions redundant (n+1) kVA ENERTRONIC modular UPS system compared with traditional redundant monoblock UPS kVA). If Gen-sets are used, they have oversized 2. This eliminates the high initial capital cost purchasing power capacity that is not required the earlier stage installation.s 6 EN odular j Costs fan_replacement >= maintenance costs Power Upgrade, Lower Operating Costs 2x100 Ik Years Fig.8 power factor).0 times higher output power. .5 times the UPS output power. 15:AnnualsavingsonelectricalenergyandCO2emissions Usinga kVAredundantENERTRONICmodularUPSsystem Less consumption electrical energy and savings in CO2 emissions_________________________________________ Fig