B.E.G. Katalog 2011/12

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Pohybový detektor ... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie in fračerven á absorce Detektory pohybu jsou často určené pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky spínají připojená světla. Infračervený snímek: Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené technologie. To znamená, že integrované infračervené senzory zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou ho na elektrický signál. Samotné čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a proto je označováno jako pasivní infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).

Vydal: BEG a.s. Autor: B.E.G.

Strana 518 z 608

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■ PROGRAM FUNCTIONS ® ® Programmable Opening and closing also with parental lock and security against sabotage after setting up © to Preselected switch times the lighting (Relay and Channel 1): - 1mpulse and 15sec. That means not necessary install an additional light switch. 8 Description Colour Part number LUXOMAT® IR-PD4-SP grey 92040 115 REMOTECONTROLS .-test function are also optionally available with the IR-PD4-SP.G.ex. ■ Additional features like automatically reading-in the current daylight value or the useful sec.): 63 19mm). ■ The lights can switched off anytime with just touch the button. ■ The great variety programs facilitates adapting the motion detector all indi­ vidual wishes any time even subse­ quently. | LUXOMAT® IR-PD4-SP \ -­ REMOTE CONTROLS FOR USER-FRIENDLY CONTROL OF MOTiON AND OCCUPANCY DETECTORS i ■ TECHNICAL DATA H o O OOOOO ooooo OOOOO ooooo ooooo 60 © Lithium CR2032 - 3 Volt (inclusive) depending lighting conditions clouded rk: 5 m; sunshine: 2 m L80 mm © PRODUCT INFORMATION ■ Using the LUXOMAT® IR-PD4-SP infrared remote control, all settings at the LUXOMAT® PD4-M-1C-C-PS can be made comfortably from the ground without having the annoyance setting up ladders.fc>. ■ Comes complete with practical wall bracket (dimensions (approx. ® Automatic reading and saving of the actual light level © Determination the sw'tch on threshold attain calculatory target value o Permanent tam per protection - Permanent inhibition the detec­ tor; only and OFF function on the remote control possible. After the last detected motion and after the end the follow-up time the device returns the chosen automatic or semi-automatic operating mode. for gong above door follow-up time 1sec. 30m in. W W I Xÿf f Change between operation modes sem iautom atic/autom atic © Sun button preselected light value - Daylight operation ■ RES£j| Reset - Resetting all functions © ) 1^0 (400) ( Too) 0 ) 7 preselected light values for the switch value the lighting - 1000Lux Light N - The light will remain switched for as long movements are detected in the areas coverage. v B.E. - The Impulse Gong button f. (JEST) Test operation - The surveyed room can paced out independent surrounding brightness and can aligned easily after that