B.E.G. Katalog 2011/12

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Pohybový detektor ... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie in fračerven á absorce Detektory pohybu jsou často určené pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky spínají připojená světla. Infračervený snímek: Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené technologie. To znamená, že integrované infračervené senzory zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou ho na elektrický signál. Samotné čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a proto je označováno jako pasivní infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).

Vydal: BEG a.s. Autor: B.E.G.

Strana 496 z 608

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this time elapses, just one movement required trigger new switching operation. The IP54 version the LUXOMAT® Indoor 180 can also used for damp areas such cellar steps garages. This switch combination prevents accidental activation background noise. The LUXOMAT® Indoor 180 automatic light switch saves energy switching light de­ mand, both both private and commercial premises. When switched off, the light can switched on again noise movement detected within the next eight seconds. When a movement detected, the LUXOMAT® Indoor 180 switches the connected lighting.SAVE ENERGY BUiLDiNGS ' \ WALL SWITCHES (DETECTORS FOR INDOOR USE) LUXOMAT® Motion and occupancy detectors for all mounting indoors Living areas Corridors Staircases Washrooms Garages lifts Save energy throughout the home This combination motion detector and acous­ tic sensor both innovative and unique*. Once activated, any movement noise will restart the adjustable switching time. *Acoustic sensor relay and triac versions Index Page 3-wire version * 2 -wire version 1 Pulse switch for stair light switches 97 E Switching with 2-chan­ nel occupancy detector master 99 S Slave devices 100 u 24 devices 101 I24V 1 © KNX/EIB-BUS 102 1LON LON-BUS 103 [kNX WALLSWITCHES . Staircases, hallways, entrances, kitchens and toilets apartments, houses, pubs, hotels, offices and hospitals are ideal areas application. If more movements sounds are detected or the area exited, the LUXOMAT® Indoor 180 automatically switches the light off again