Pohybový detektor
... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie
in fračerven á absorce
Detektory pohybu jsou často určené
pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v
jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky
spínají připojená světla.
Infračervený snímek:
Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené
technologie. To znamená,
že integrované infračervené senzory
zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou
ho na elektrický signál. Samotné
čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a
proto je označováno jako pasivní
infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).
the LUXOMAT® RC-plus next
the LUXOMAT® IR-RC remotes facilitate au
tomatically programming the switch and
switch-off light values when the desired dim
ming value has been reached.
The new LUXOMAT® RC-plus next with its
modern sensor unit and adaptive dynamic
switch off delay time sets new standards in
motion detection.
Later short-term changes the settings can
be taken care without bothersome ladders
by using the appropriate remote control.G.
This can performed much simpler and
more comfortably from the ground (which
also allows additional features acti
vated) using the optional remote control, the
factory settings are also useful.tio detectors for utdoor USE
Saves energy and ensures safety -
LUXOMAT® otion detector all
and ceiling ounting outdoors
Houses Garages utdoor Security Thorough- Entrances
° stairwells fares
M otion detectors ith odern sensor
Whether LUXOMAT® RC-plus next LC-plus
280 fast the requirements change -
B. All settings can precisely adjusted
with the included special screwdriver.
The practical one-handed plug base the
LUXOMAT® facilitates really simple installati
on and even compatible with the RC-plus
plug base. They enable
rapid start-up.
In Page
RC-plus next *
RC-plus next for
k eib
13 KNX
RC-plus next with
wireless technology
14 »))((«
LC-plus 280 *
LC-Click *
LC-Mini *
. with special RC-plus next or
LC-plus corner socket child's play.
The adjustment controls for the pick range
and the potentiometer for the daylight and
time setting are the bottom each sensor
head.E. Fastening the detector the out
side cornersec. motion detectors adapt rapidly and easily. Plus the per
manent light feature, the holiday and comfort
switch, the party setting, and more