B.E.G. Katalog 2011/12

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Pohybový detektor ... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie in fračerven á absorce Detektory pohybu jsou často určené pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky spínají připojená světla. Infračervený snímek: Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené technologie. To znamená, že integrované infračervené senzory zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou ho na elektrický signál. Samotné čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a proto je označováno jako pasivní infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).

Vydal: BEG a.s. Autor: B.E.G.

Strana 312 z 608

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A DUO-DALI device also available for independ­ ently monitoring two lighting zones. 8 h) w ith light only with movement (mean total the time lamps are switched approx. particular, comfort increased gently compensating daylight fluctuations. 1 h) DALIOCCUPANCY DETECTORS . schools, nurseries hospitals and offices. succes­ sors analog presence detectors with circular de­ tection range and dimming function, the new digital detectors allow users control both DSI and DALI EB groups.SET NEW STANDARDS WiTH DALI/DSi PRESENCE DETECTORS ^ \ B. Light strips close windows are dimmed more or switched off during the day, while those located further the room are dimmed more. All connected consumers (lights) are addressed the same time via broadcast signal. Example: energy and environmental balance sheet Office workstation lighting with PD2-DALI/DSI Mode bulb Lights 14W Savings with without MD Consumption kWh/year with average life span of 8000 h 56 kWh 448 kWh 392 kWh CO2emission reductions/ year 196 kg* Also available trees for CO2 reduction £ 9** Costs per year at 0. The operating mode selected via the remote con­ trol LUXOMAT® IR-PD-DALI.60€ 78.G. No special prior knowledge necessary: the devices are easy install while the set light value and switch- on time can specified.5 generating 1 kWh with mean energy mix **1 tree absorbs around kg C year w ith (motion detector) = permanent light (mean total the time lamps are switched approx. addition, any number of slave devices can connect extend the detection range little cost.40 € LUXOMAT® PD-DALI everything one housing: Presence detector for dimming DALI lights Light sensor for daylight-dependent control Infrared receiver for the remote control Interface for 2-wire connection the DALI -EBs Key input for the manual button and dimming function Slave connection *0. lighting zone corresponds group twelve EBs lights. offers remote-controlled DALI presence detec­ tors its range with integrated light sensor and in­ tegrated voltage supply for activating DALI EBs for automatic constant light control.E. DALI technology allows you create groups for up to DALI EBs, and therefore suitable for use in small rooms, e.20€/kW h 11.g.20€ 89. more less light is required individually, the light can adjusted the desired level any time via dimming buttons