B.E.G. Katalog 2011/12

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Pohybový detektor ... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie in fračerven á absorce Detektory pohybu jsou často určené pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky spínají připojená světla. Infračervený snímek: Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené technologie. To znamená, že integrované infračervené senzory zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou ho na elektrický signál. Samotné čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a proto je označováno jako pasivní infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).

Vydal: BEG a.s. Autor: B.E.G.

Strana 262 z 608

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Poznámky redaktora
enddate 12:00 11:59 PM Monday 1 ---------------------- ON 1 OFF Tuesday | ---------------------- ON 1 OFF Wednesday | ---------------------- ON 1 OFF Sunday | ---------------------- ON 1 OFF energ yearly tim itc h Powerdensity Configuration oN-switching ofthelight consumption max. Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Day, Pentecost, Feast Corpus Christi, Carnival. Multiple switching functions can programmed within h. ON -OFF Monday _ Tuesday W ednesday Sunday " Evening O O o ON _OFF ON -OFF ON -OFF ON -OFF Night Morning Astro ON Night OFF specialprogram1►01. ■w eekly program weekprog Depending the day the week (Mo Su) different daily programs can configured.g. This calculation updated each day throughout the whole year.: switch­ ing time that should carried out every 2nd saturday of february every year. The choice switching functions is the following: ON, OFF, permanent date (holiday), pulse (pulse not available astro time switches). ■Astro program solar program astr-$- Astronomical solar time swtiches can used al­ ternative twilight switches (also known photo-electric or day/night switch). Easter function: One additional function when carrying out special weekly program the Easter function.August specialprogram1►startdate-21. means "astro switching times" (Astro Astro OFF) the time switch automatically cal­ culates the start dusk the evening the beginning of dawn the morning and calculates the time for sunset and sunrise respectively. power density 1 2 ou y= I°e 1-¿CO 0 o 11 hours 260 days 1 weekends 1 nights month 11244 kWh /ye ar max. E.g.g. Single switching times can programmed for a specific date (e.■Daily program 24hprog Irrespective the day the week the same switching pro­ gram carried out each day. When using astro time switch NO light sensor needed. Additionally, conventional switching functions weekly time switch can pro­ grammed (ON, OFF, (holiday) permanent date). Therefore the time switch can execute astro switching time either before or after sunset/sunrise or, the offset left zero, exactly at sunrise/sunset. This function ap­ plicable for holidays e.August-21. power density 10W 2 0 u y= I°e 1-¿CO 0 o 11 hours 260 days 8580 kWh /ye ar 2664kwh/year 25%savings 4 . offset: chronological offset can entered. you selected for period with start date and end date, these dates, are shifted the shift Easter holiday for succes­ sive years (Gaussian Easter formula). extra switching time: further feature the extra switch­ ing times. This offset customises the astro switching times. Position/location: guarantee exact calculation local sunset and sunrise times, you can easily enter your ap­ proximate geographical coordinates (longitude and lati­ tude).Enddate 12:00 11:59 PM Monday 1---------------1 ON1 OFF Tuesday 1---------------1 ON1 OFF Wednesday ONF Sunday 1 ONF specialprogram1►startdate-21. The residual switching program remains unaffected. Unrestricted block pro­ gramming allows free choice days the week within one switching function. means special (weekly) programs different weekly programs can carried out within different peri­ ods during the year (from start date end date). helpful add-on the op­ tion "weekday function". Anniversary). you assign this your extra switching time the shift this weekday the month will be taken into account for successive years. ■Yearly program yearprog Yearly time switches are suitable achieve more sophis­ ticated time controls compared standard weekly pro­ grams