e. 3-26 Standards)
S hield
(m drawn
in any shape)
Term inal
L l
C hange-over position contact
• ith entary circuit
breaking (lim contact)
Tim delay Plug and socket
s i
P isolator ith autom atic
— c—
(m ale and fem ale) breaking action
M echanical electrical
I otor itch-disconnector
( )
(general sym bol)
Manual echanical control
(general case)
C urrent transform ontrol coil
(general sym bol)
J -
Rotating control oltage transform Instantaneous overcurrentrelay
E— -
Pushbutton control inding three-phase
transform er, Star connection
O vercurrent relay with
adju stable short tim e-delay
E quipotentiality vercurrent relay ith inverse
short tim e-d elay trip
G alvanically separated
B reak contact with
autom atic circuit
/ -
O vercurrent relay ith inverse
long tim e-d elay trip
Shielded cable cond uctors
(i.e.Circuit diagram symbols (IEC 60617 and CEI 3-14 ...
., cond uctors show n)
M ake position (lim it
Fuse (general sym bol)
C onnection conductors reak position contact (lim urrentsensor
i contact)
Model L2234 Apparatus Scale
Doc- No- 2
Page No., cond uctors show n)
C hange-over contact
/» -
Earth fault overcurrent relay
w ith inverse short tim delay
C ond uctors stranded cables