A specific reset action needed reset it
16.1 PR021/K unit menu table
P rotection Parameter Function Values Notes
PR021K unit Present
Absent Leave Absent there PR021/K
Relay no.
The ust earth the irc it-b sid and PR021/K sid For lla tio and
o tio PR021/K cce sso ry, ific user anual.2 portant note
The unit ust connected the PR122/P PR123/Pby means aninternal busbar ith shielded, corded o-w irecable
(see note par.1.16.100 step 0.5
Delay 0.
Model L2234 Apparatus Scale
L 2778
Doc.Na 2
Page No. 8
Signal source function None
L Prealarm
L Timing
S Timing
L Trip
S Trip
G Trip
I Trip
Any trip
Custom See par.2) ore than long.5.2.01 Deliberate delay before activating the contact
NO/NC NO/NC Contact normally-open (NO) normally-closed (NC)
Latch ON/OFF With the contact "ON", once has been activated it
stays switched.1. 16. 11.5..