ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 497 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
02xin 0.5s t6< 60s, step 0.1s data ± 10% s OF 1.1s t4< 1s, step 0.40-0.20xin i4<1xin step 0.0xin i5< 15xin step 0.01fn f13 1.0-5,0-7.01xUn 0.1fn step 0.04s t2se| 0.01 s 0.6 xin <10xin2start-up step 0.02 Pn 0.8s, step 0.1s The data ± 10% s OV (t= k) H 1.1xin < ms(3) 10% G(4) (t= k) H 0.01xUn 0.20xin i4<1xin step 0.6xin i2<10xin step 0.2xI1 ± 10%, In ± 20%, In S, (t= k) H 0.5s The data ± 10% s (tR II-U ) 0 0.1xin 0.02xin 0.8s, step 0.6xin i7<10xin step 0.10s t2st 30s, step 0.4xUn step 0.01s7start-up 0.2.10s 30s, step 0.0-10-20 30A 0.05s @i >4in g ± 15% Gext (t= k) H 0.1s 10% data ± 10% s UF 0.06s(5) 950ms@0.20s, step 0.05s at >4in g % 7 ± ± 15% Rc (Idn) H idn =3.50s, step 0.8s, step 0.9fn f12< 0.20-0.20xin i4<1xin step 0.5s 10% The data ± 10% s O T (temp k) □ Fixed, defined SACE instantaneous 5°C linst Automatic, defined by SACE instantaneous UV (t= k) H 0.01s2start-up 0.06-0.1xin 0.05 and 1.5xUn 0.5s t10< 30s, step 0.04s t2se|< 0.10s 30s, step 0.1xUn U10< 0.01 fn 0.05s 0.95xUn step 0.9.13s t7sel 0.5s t11 25s, step 0.01s where i>i4 'P +1 The data ± 10% s G(4) (t= k/I2) H 0.02xin 0.6xin i2<10xin step 0.1xin 0.3xPn< <-0.4xIn 1xin step 0.1s 30s, step 0.1xin 0.30-0.50 0.01 fn 0.05xUn U9< 1.05s t2< 0.01s2start-up where i>i4 ± 10% M CR (t= k) H 6.01xin 3s 144s(1), step 3s t1@ 3i1 R elease betw een 1.01s ± 7%,I In g ± 10%,I In g T data ± 10% s Si (t= k/I2) H 0.10-0.01 10xin ± 7%,I In g ± 10%,I In g ± 15%, In ± 20%, In g S2 (t= k) H 0.80s(3) 20% 140ms@0.1s trt 1s, step 0.5s t12< 3s, step 0.2xUn step 0.1xPn step 0.20s t7< 0.02s4start-up 0.05 Un 0.01s 0.2s, step 0.1s t4< 1s, step 0.1s data ± 10% s Model 2234 Apparatus Scale L2778 Doc-No- 2 Page No.20xin i4<1xin step 0.05s t2< 0.1s t8< 5s, step 0.05s t2< 0.1xin 0.15 Summary table the protection function settings for the PR123/P Protection Disabling Disabling TRIPonly Zone selectivity Start-upthreshold t or £ e £ al £ er h 1- T hre ld range Tim e range T hre ld tolerance (2) Tim e Tolerance (2) L (t= k/I2) curve IEC60255-3 □ 0.1s t4< 1s, step 0.99fn step 0.02s4start-up 0.05s 0.5s t13< 3s, step 0.04s t4se| 0.80s(51 U (t= k) H i6< 90% step 1% 0.10s 30s, step 0.14.005s ± 7%,I In g ± 10%,I In g T data ± 10% s D (t= k) H 0.1s t4< 1s, step 0. 86/158 .01s ± 10% The data ± 10% s I (t= k) H 1,5xin i3< 15xin step 0.01s 0.1s t9< 5s, step 0.8s, step 0.1xin < ms 0.01s2start-up 0.1s The data ± 10% s RV (t= k) H 0.6 xin <10xin step 0.02xin 0.04s t4se| 0.40s, step 0.2s, step 0.01s ± 7% The data ± 10% s (tG e k/t H 0