Poznámky redaktora
.5 unication bus
Local internal bus rear connector; RS485 physical interface, Modbus protocol.
Using this supply mode, only the unit's protection functions are assured, however, not the accessory functions regarding the modules.1.2. Protection against directional short-circuit with adjustabledelay "D";
4.5m A.
Test bus front test connector.... 98% with condensation
Degree protection (with PR123/P installed the CB) 30
14.2. +90°C
Relative humidity .6 Protection functions
The PR123/P protection unit carries out independent protection functions.
Since the auxiliary voltage needs isolated from the ground, "galvanically separated converters" accordance with
the IEC standard 60950 (UL 1950) the equivalent IEC 60364-41 and CEI 64-8 have used guarantee rre in
co ode kage rre (as fin IEC 478/1 and CEI 22/3) 3.3 Powered the PR120/V odule
For full explanation the features the PR120/V, see par.E3 E4.4 escription inputs/outputs
14.3 max 2In
MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217E) years 45°C
14.E6 E1.tric ris tic s
Rated operating frequency 50/60Hz ±10%
Pass band 3000Hz max
Peak factor 6.4.
The characteristics the power pack are given the table below:
C haracteristics Version PR123/P
Auxiliary voltage
(galvanically separated) 24V ±20%
Maximum ripple 5%
Inrush current 24V ~10A for 5ms
Rated power 24V ~5W
14.1 elf-pow ering
Self-powering enables the protection unit powered with the busbar current using current transformers.2.4. 2
Page No.2 Binary outputs
- K51/SZout (K51/DFout): Zone selectivity: output for protection "direct" output for protection D
(only with Vaux)
- K51/GZout (K51/DBout): Zone selectivity: output for protection "reverse" output for protection D
(only with Vaux)
Note: These inputs/outputs can used between PR122/PR123 and PR332/PR333 series units only.2. Protection against earth fault with adjustable delay "G";
7..2.. Protection against overload with inverse time "L";
2.2.1 Binary inputs
- K51/SZin (K51/DFin): Zone selectivity: input for protection "direct" input for protection D
(only with Vaux)
- K51/Gzin (K51/DBin): Zone selectivity: input for protection "reverse" direction input for protection D
(only with Vaux)
The presence the auxiliary power supply enables the relay unit used even with the circuit-breaker open, well powering all the modules,
with the exception the PR120/V MEASURING module, which powered means connection the busbars. Protection against closing short-circuit "MCR"
14. Protection against instantaneous short-circuit "I";
Minimum three-phase busbar current for enabling relay and switching the display >70A >140A >160A >320A
14. 15.2.
External system bus, RS485 physical interface, Modbus RTU protocol, baud rate 9600-19200 bps. Protection against short-circuit with adjustable delay "S"and "S2";
3.3 Environm ental characteristics
Operating temperature -25°C .2.2.E3 E4. Protection against instantaneous short-circuit high currents inst";
Model 2234 Apparatus Scale
L 2778
14... particular:
The characteristics are given the table below:
General characteristics Relay Enabling Relay ctivation
E1.2 uxiliary power supply
The external auxiliary power supply provided using galvanically-separated power pack.. +70°C
Storage temperature -40°C