ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 479 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
3 easurem ents Menu For complete description the functions the PR120/V module, see par.1 easurem ents Menu table Setting Parameter Function Values Notes H istoricals Trips Events Measurements I Max Reset measurements Last trips (20) Events log (80 events max.4. see par.13.4. Settings 1/8 Enter J Circuit Breaker 2/3 Enter PWD Neutral protection^ 1/2 1 Circuit Breaker Neutral Protection Enable 1 Main Frequency Modules ▼ Ground protection Unit installation Neutral threshold W ------------------------ w- OnCircuit breakersettings Neutral settings 13.5.1 see par.5. 13.5.1 Settings Menu table Parameter Function Values Notes C ircuit breaker *Neutral protection Enable Neutral threshold Ground protection External toroidal transformer Toroid size SGR ON/OFF 50%-100%-150%-200% Absent, SGR, Rc Said protection provided only in the event external toroid being used M ains fre 50Hz 60Hz M Module PR120/V Measuring PR120/D-M COM PR120/K Signalling Local Bus unit if any if any if any Absent Present see par. 13.4 Settings Menu Menu 1/5 Protections A Measurements Protectionssettings The configuration parameters the Settings menu are password protected. The following summary the parameters accessible from the menu the PR122/P unit. 68/158 .1 * With the three-pole circuit breaker, the "3P option displayed and must enabled the outside neutral installed. For more detailed description the settings for the modules, refer the documentation the modules (ch.) Current Peak factor Contact wear Percentage wear contacts 13. Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc 2 Page No. Among the most significant values you can select, note the neutral threshold (values 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%), the external toroid size (values 100A, 250A, 400A, 800A), the mains frequency the installation (values 50Hz, 60Hz).4.3 Data logger Enable ON/OFF Sampling frequency Stop event Stopping delay Restart Stop M easurem ent interval from 120 min, step min H arm onic d isto rtio n ON/OFF The warning indicates that the distortion exceeds factor 2.1.5. 15). 13. 15.5