ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 473 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
62/158 . 13. Following the instructions given par.4. Programming 1/3 Confirm Abort Modify Confirm To select the required option, use the (arrow down), (arrow up) keys, and press (enter) confirm. Press ESC twice Before accessing the Main Menu, the following box will appear: Accept the new configuration Reject the new configuration (the previous configuration retained) Change the previously input values.3, view the following the display: System 1/4 Change system date Date I Change system time Time Select system language Language ▼ January 12, 2003 System____________________4/4 Time a Language New Password ****0 Password 0*** Enter password To change the system password, select the relevant menu item and press (enter); then you will prompted enter the OLD password, and afterwards you can input the new one twice.3. Function 1/4 t=0.14b/(i002-1) T=13. Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc.4.1 odification basic configuration No param eter settings can made the PR122/P unit alarm conditions. If one the above conditions not met, the relay does not allow the language changed.Select the value you want from the list and confirm pressing the key (enter). 13. Note: set the system language check that: - the relay set local (when PR120/D-M installed); - the open; - auxiliary power supply connected (Vaux 24VDC and/or busbar voltage through PR120/V and/or PR030/B). The configuration the unit must done EDIT mode.5b/(i-1) ▼ Programming_______________ 1/3 Confirm Abort Modify Confirm To select the required option use the (arrow down), (arrow up) keys, and press (enter) confirm. No. 2 Page No. Press ESC twice return the Main Menu Before accessing the Main Menu, the following box will appear: Accept the new configuration Reject the new configuration (the previous configuration retained) Change the previously input values