ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 461 z 660

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Poznámky redaktora
.1xPn step 0.5s The data ± 10% s (tR P ) H 0.05 Un 0..... 0,3 1,5 Internal ground fault current (internal source round return) 0,05 .01 fn 0.1xUn U10< 0.5s t12< step 0...12.. 2,5 Apparent energy 0,02 . 0,3 1,5 Phase-to-phase and phase voltages (measured the module's input and thus independent the precision relating the use any VT) 10 . 50/158 .9 f12< 0.. 2. 0,3 .5s t13< step 0...1s t8< step 0..1s data ± 10% s O V (t= k) H 1... 0,3 ...2xUn step 0.9.4xUn step 0.5 Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc-No- 2 Page No..2.99 fn step 0. 0,3 1,5 External ground fault current (external source round return) 0,05 .2 Table easurem ents Type measurement Standard operation range Range values measured the relay Range Tolerance % Phase and neutral currents 0,05 .. 0,3 2,5 Instantaneous apparent power on the single phase and total system 0,02 .12.01xUn 0.01fn f13< 1,1fn step 0. 1,1x690 Vconc conc 1 Peak factor 0,1 0,3 1,5 Total power factor 0,1 0,5 2,5 Mains frequency ..3xPn< P11<-0.1s The data ± 10% s O 1. 1,1x690 Vconc conc ..1s The data ± 10% s RV (t= k) H 0....01 xUn 0..5s t10< step 0... 1,1x690 Vconc conc .05xUn U9< 1.. 0,3 2,5 Reactive energy 0,02 .. 0,3 2,5 Instantaneous reactive power the single phase and total system 0,02 ..1 Summary the additional protection functions for the PR122/P with the optional PR120/V module Protection Disabling Disabling ofTRIPonly Zone selectivity Start-upthreshold or £ e E al £ er h 1- Threshold Range Time Range olerance threshold (2) Tim e Tolerance (2) UV (t k) 0 0. 1,1x690 Vconc conc 1 Residual voltage (for systems with neutral only) 10 ...02 Pn 0.. 0,2 Instantaneous active power the single phase and total system 0,02 . .5xUn 0.2..01 fn 0.1s The data ± 10% s 13..95xUn step 0.13.1s t9< step 0. 0,3 2,5 Active energy 0,02 .9.5s t11< step 0.1s 10% The data ± 10% s UF 0