Poznámky redaktora
Model 2234 Apparatus Scale
L 2778
Doc No' 1SDH000460R0002
Page No. and the screws position 7
- tighten the screws pos.3 and4
- close the circuit-breaker and check the gap A
3b) Adjust the distance the moving contacts for E4-E6:
- loosen the screws pos.1 and the nuts pos. rest on
the shaft, tacking action the nuts pos.
1) Open the circuit-breaker
2) Remove the arcing chamber
3a) Adjust the distance the moving contacts for E1-E2-E3:
- loosen the screws inpos. 2
- bring the bushes the operating mechanism (pos. and the nuts pos.1 have shown defects the components
Replace the defective parts those with faulty
operation (if necessary, ask ABB SACE)
8 r
In order ensure the gap indicated the table, you can adjust the
position the shaft and the operating mechanism.
. and the nuts pos. and (FIG.2 General inspection the circuit-breaker
Rem edy
1 Operating mechanism/Electrical accessories Presence dust the internal parts
- Springs deformed rusty
- Safety rings out place, nuts screws loose
- Wires and straps detached
- Clean with brushes dry cloths
- Replace damaged springs
- Put the rings back place and tighten screws and
nuts appropriately
- Replace the straps and connect the detached wires
2 Arcing and main contacts Traces ofwear
- Incorrectadjustments: distance -Fig. Tighten the
nuts completely
6 Earth connection (only for fixed circuit-breaker)
Presence ofrust and/or loose nuts
Clean with rough cloth soaked suitable solvent,
fully tighten the earth connection and cover with neutral
7 Auxiliary circuit power supply voltage
Check the power supply voltage the electrical
accessories ofthe operating mechanism
The releases and locking devices must operate normally
for values between 85% and 110% ofthe corresponding
rated voltage
8 Operating and control parts
The operating tests, which must carried out shown
in paragraph 6.8 1.
E1 1.8 for E4-E6
- Smooth the contacts with emery cloth
- Adjust according the paragraph 8. rest the shaft,
tacking action the nuts pos.33 less than
1 for E1-E2-E3 less than 0. (FIG.2
- bring the bushes the operating mechanism (pos. and
- close the circuit-breaker and check the gap A
4) Ifthe gap not correct, open the circuit-breaker again and repeat
the procedure indicated item 3b
5) the gap correct, open the circuit-breaker again, seal with
yellow paint and reinstall the arcing chambers.9 mm
E4 0.3.Item inspected d
8. 4
- tighten the screws pos.3
3 Arcing chambers Presence offumes dust
- Presence cracks the external plastic structure
- Excessive difference wear between the firstand last
arc extinguishing plate
- Remove with compressed air and remove the fumes
and any slag with brush
- Replace the arcing chamber
- Replace the arcing chamber
4 Main circuit Busbars Insulating contact Presence dust dirt the insulating parts
- Safety rings out place, screws nuts loose
- Deformation cracks ofthe insulating parts
- Insulating contacts oxidized (only for withdrawable
- Wear overheating marks screws loose the
connections the terminals the circuit-breaker
(only for fixed circuit-breaker)
- Clean with brush dry cloths
- Put the rings back place and tighten screws and
nuts appropriately
- Ask ABB SACE replace the damaged parts
- Remove the shutters and clean with rough cloth
soaked suitable solvent and lubricate moderately
with neutral grease
- Tighten the screws suitably
5 Earthing contacts (only for withdrawable circuit-
breaker) Presence ofrust loose nuts
Clean with rough cloth soaked suitable solvent and
lubricate moderately with neutral grease. and the
bushes the intermediate abutments (pos.
33a and 33b)
- proceed the same way the screws pos. and and the nuts pos. 33a)
- proceed the same way the screws pos.5 mm