ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 240 z 660

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7 PR120/K module menu The PR120/K fitted with four relays having contacts named K51/p1, K51/p2, K51/p3 and K51/p4 which can signal different situations selectable by the user from among those given the standard list, whereas customizations can programmed selecting "custom" the menu and setting the signal required with PDA, SD-Testbus PR010/T. the action that takes place after the programmed delay, when the input enabled (on high low level). Energy reset: when the input active for the specified delay, the energy meters are reset.3...2 Input function settings (ACTION) You can select the action associated with the input, i.100s step 0.4 (K51/p1. specific reset action needed to reset it Input Polarity Active low Active high Function Generic associated action Outside trip releases the circuit-breaker Reset trip resets the data after trip Set switches from set set (for PR123/DC only) Local forces the local status the protection (local/remote) Signal reset programmable contact reset Energy reset energy meter reset Delay 0..3.1. p4) Signal source Standard custom see par.00 [s] 100..14. Set when the input enabled for the specified delay, the Set enabled 5. Signalling module reset: when the input enabled for the specified delay, the status therelays the PR120/K module reset 7. 1.3.3. Parameter Function Values Notes Relay no. Tim rte delay \ reset delay r i C ctio ctio n 1 1 W 1 In status B ------► 14.3 Setting the input enabling delay By means the "Delay" parameter, you can specify the time elapsing before the input enabled the range 0.01s Deliberate delay before activating the contact NO/NC NO/NC Contact normally-open (NO) normally-closed Latch ON/OFF With the contact "ON", once has been activated it stays switched. Trip test: when the input enabled for the specified delay, trip test performed 3. You can select one the following actions: 1. high input enabling level 14. The figure shows two cases, and which the input's status active; in case the input does not stay valid beyond the enabling delay the associated action does not take place, whereas case the action takes place after the preset delay. Generic: specific action associated with the input.00[s] with 0.01[s] steps.8. Model 3447 A pparatus Emax DC S cale D 1SDH000635R0002 Page No.01s performs action after set 14. 14. Trip reset: when the input enabled for the specified delay trip reset performed 4.3. The status the input shown the available display and remotely via the bus 2.e. See Appendix 15.1 Input configuration settings You can select the level which consider the input enabled: 1.3 Delay 0.100s step 0...8..6 Power supply The PR120/K signalling module powered auxiliary mode the relay and/or the PR120/V-PR120/LV specified chapter 14.8 Configurable input There input with configurable function the Signalling module. 82/1 08 .3. low input enabling level 2.3. Dial Local: when the input enabled for the specified delay, there forcing the dialoguelocal mode 6. 14..8. 15